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[英]How to return a list with data from one array filtered by another array

我從兩個不同的API接收兩個數組。 其中一個具有“項目”的完整列表,另一個是其中一些“項目”的列表。 在現實生活中,它可能就像“我已經從所有我需要打包的物品中打包的物品”。 因此,我需要返回打包物品的列表以及所有剩余物品的列表(完整列表減去已經打包的列表)。

const packedItems = [
  "id": 03,
  "name": "Car",
    "color": {
      "inside": "grey",
      "outside": "blue"
  "id": 07,
  "name": "Bike",
    "color": {
      "inside": null,
      "outside": "blue"

const allItems = [
  "id": 01,
  "name": "Skateboard",
    "color": {
      "inside": "grey",
      "outside": "brown"
  "id": 02,
  "name": "TV",
    "color": {
      "inside": "multiclolor",
      "outside": "black"
  "id": 03,
  "name": "Car",
    "color": {
      "inside": "grey",
      "outside": "blue"
  "id": 04,
  "name": "Pan",
    "color": {
      "inside": "grey",
      "outside": "black"
  "id": 05,
  "name": "T-shirt",
    "color": {
      "inside": null,
      "outside": "white"
  "id": 06,
  "name": "Helmet",
    "color": {
      "inside": "black",
      "outside": "black"
  "id": 07,
  "name": "Bike",
    "color": {
      "inside": null,
      "outside": "blue"
  "id": 08,
  "name": "Dryer",
    "color": {
      "inside": "white",
      "outside": "white"

預期有兩個HTML UL:一個帶有已經打包的項目,另一個帶有需要打包的剩余項目。

我會將您的打包物品列表轉換為簡單的ID列表。 然后,您可以相當簡單地過濾allItems列表。

const packedItemIds = packedItems.map(item => item.id);
const remainingItems = allItems.filter(item => {
  return !packedItemIds.some(id => id === item.id);

因此,您要根據ID是否包含在打包項目列表中,將數組分為兩組。 我建議編寫一個函數,該函數根據任意謂詞對數組進行分區,並將確定要測試的元素在特定列表中是否具有id的謂詞傳遞給它。 它可能看起來像這樣:

 const partition = (fn, xs) => xs .reduce ( ([yes, no], x) => fn (x) ? [ [...yes, x], no ] : [ yes, [...no, x] ], [ [], [] ] ) const hasId = (xs) => ({id}) => xs .some ( ({id: pid}) => id === pid ) const partitionItems = (yes) => (maybe) => partition (hasId (yes), maybe) const allItems = [{"color": {"inside": "grey", "outside": "brown"}, "id": 1, "name": "Skateboard"}, {"color": {"inside": "multiclolor", "outside": "black"}, "id": 2, "name": "TV"}, {"color": {"inside": "grey", "outside": "blue"}, "id": 3, "name": "Car"}, {"color": {"inside": "grey", "outside": "black"}, "id": 4, "name": "Pan"}, {"color": {"inside": null, "outside": "white"}, "id": 5, "name": "T-shirt"}, {"color": {"inside": "black", "outside": "black"}, "id": 6, "name": "Helmet"}, {"color": {"inside": null, "outside": "blue"}, "id": 7, "name": "Bike"}, {"color": {"inside": "white", "outside": "white"}, "id": 8, "name": "Dryer"}] const packedItems = [{"color": {"inside": "grey", "outside": "blue"}, "id": 3, "name": "Car"}, {"color": {"inside": null, "outside": "blue"}, "id": 7, "name": "Bike"}] console .log ( partitionItems (packedItems) (allItems) ) 

這里的partition是一個明顯可重用的函數, hasId也可能可重用。



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