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[英]c# parsing azure policy rule json to make a tree


我面臨的實際問題是allOf內的內容沒有被打印出來,它在JObject中的InvalidCast異常。 我需要幫助來打印控制台應用程序中的所有父元素和子元素。


  "properties": {
    "displayName": "Audit if Key Vault has no virtual network rules",
    "policyType": "Custom",
    "mode": "Indexed",
    "description": "Audits Key Vault vaults if they do not have virtual network service endpoints set up. More information on virtual network service endpoints in Key Vault is available here: _https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/key-vault-overview-vnet-service-endpoints",
    "metadata": {
      "category": "Key Vault",
      "createdBy": "",
      "createdOn": "",
      "updatedBy": "",
      "updatedOn": ""
    "parameters": {},
    "policyRule": {
      "if": {
        "allOf": [
            "field": "type",
            "equals": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults"
            "anyOf": [
                "field": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkAcls.virtualNetworkRules[*].id",
                "exists": "false"
                "field": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkAcls.virtualNetworkRules[*].id",
                "notLike": "*"
                "field": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkAcls.defaultAction",
                "equals": "Allow"
      "then": {
        "effect": "audit"
  "id": "/subscriptions/xxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/wkpolicydef",
  "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions",
  "name": "xyz"


static JmesPath jmes = new JmesPath();
static void Main(string[] args)
        string policyStr = "JSON GIVEN IN THE DESCRIPTION";
        string str = jmes.Transform(policyStr, "properties.policyRule.if");

    public static void Convert(string json)
        dynamic myObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
        PrintObject(myObj, 0);


    private static void PrintObject(JToken token, int depth)
        if (token is JProperty)
            var jProp = (JProperty)token;
            var spacer = string.Join("", Enumerable.Range(0, depth).Select(_ => "\t"));
            var val = jProp.Value is JValue ? ((JValue)jProp.Value).Value : "-";

            Console.WriteLine($"{spacer}{jProp.Name}  -> {val}");

            foreach (var child in jProp.Children())
                PrintObject(child, depth + 1);
        else if (token is JObject)
            foreach (var child in ((JObject)token).Children())
                PrintObject(child, depth + 1);

我已經安裝了JMESPath.Net NuGet軟件包。 演示在這里擺弄。

您的基本問題是,在PrintObject(JToken token, int depth) ,您不考慮傳入tokenJArray

if (token is JProperty)
else if (token is JObject)
// Else JArray, JConstructor, ... ?


  "allOf": [ /* Contents omitted */ ]

最小的修復方法是檢查JContainer而不是JObject ,但是,這不能處理包含原始值的數組的情況,因此不能視為適當的修復方法。 (演示小提琴在這里 #1。)

相反,在遞歸代碼中,您需要處理JContainer所有可能的子類,包括JObjectJArrayJProperty和(也許) JConstructor 但是,具有兩個層次結構的JArray與僅具有一個層次結構的JObject之間的不一致會使編寫此類遞歸代碼變得煩人。

一種以更JProperty方式處理數組和對象的可能解決方案是完全隱藏JProperty的存在,並表示對象是容器,其子項按名稱索引,而數組是容器的子項以整數索引。 以下擴展方法可以完成此任務:

public interface IJTokenWorker
    bool ProcessToken<TConvertible>(JContainer parent, TConvertible index, JToken current, int depth) where TConvertible : IConvertible;

public static partial class JsonExtensions
    public static void WalkTokens(this JToken root, IJTokenWorker worker, bool includeSelf = false)
        if (worker == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        DoWalkTokens<int>(null, -1, root, worker, 0, includeSelf);

    static void DoWalkTokens<TConvertible>(JContainer parent, TConvertible index, JToken current, IJTokenWorker worker, int depth, bool includeSelf) where TConvertible : IConvertible
        if (current == null)
        if (includeSelf)
            if (!worker.ProcessToken(parent, index, current, depth))
        var currentAsContainer = current as JContainer;
        if (currentAsContainer != null)
            IList<JToken> currentAsList = currentAsContainer; // JContainer implements IList<JToken> explicitly
            for (int i = 0; i < currentAsList.Count; i++)
                var child = currentAsList[i];
                if (child is JProperty)
                    DoWalkTokens(currentAsContainer, ((JProperty)child).Name, ((JProperty)child).Value, worker, depth+1, true);
                    DoWalkTokens(currentAsContainer, i, child, worker, depth+1, true);


class JTokenPrinter : IJTokenWorker
    public bool ProcessToken<TConvertible>(JContainer parent, TConvertible index, JToken current, int depth) where TConvertible : IConvertible
        var spacer = new String('\t', depth);
        string name;
        string val;

        if (parent != null && index is int)
            name = string.Format("[{0}]", index);
        else if (parent != null && index != null)
            name = index.ToString();
            name = "";

        if (current is JValue)
            val = ((JValue)current).ToString();
        else if (current is JConstructor)
            val = "new " + ((JConstructor)current).Name;
            val = "-";

        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}{1}   -> {2}", spacer, name, val));
        return true;

public static void Convert(string json)
    var root = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JToken>(json);
    root.WalkTokens(new JTokenPrinter());

演示小提琴#2 在這里 ,輸出:

allOf   -> -
    [0]   -> -
        field   -> type
        equals   -> Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
    [1]   -> -
        anyOf   -> -
            [0]   -> -
                field   -> Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkAcls.virtualNetworkRules[*].id
                exists   -> false
            [1]   -> -
                field   -> Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkAcls.virtualNetworkRules[*].id
                notLike   -> *
            [2]   -> -
                field   -> Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/networkAcls.defaultAction
                equals   -> Allow



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