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Swift 按值排序字典作為數組

[英]Swift sort dictionary by value as Array

大家好,我有包含以日期開頭的字段的 struct Datas() 我有 24 個對象,我想將它添加到集合並按時間排序集合( .start字段)。 我嘗試了堆棧中的答案,但這不是我的情況。

var todaysTimes = [Int:[Datas]]()

struct Datas {

var id: Int
var isVisited: Bool
var start: Date
var end: Date


private func configureCell(collectionView: UICollectionView, indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {

    let availableSessionTimeCell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: availableSessionCell, for: indexPath) as! EVAvailableSessionTimeCell
    let dataItem = todaysTimes[clinicSection[indexPath.section]!]![indexPath.row]

   availableSessionTimeCell.dateLabel.text = Date.time(day: dataItem.start)

    return cell

據我了解,您想字典中的對象數據數組進行排序 但不對dictionary本身進行排序。 如果您想對字典key-value每個value (即[Datas] )進行排序,那么在您的viewDidLoad()您可能可以根據需要對數據中的數組進行排序( ascendingdescending )。


for (id, datas) in todaysTimes {
        todaysTimes[id] = datas.sorted(by: { $0.start.compare($1.start) == .orderedDescending })

有關完整示例,您可以在http://online.swiftplayground.run/ 中嘗試:

struct Datas {
    var id: Int
    var isVisited: Bool
    var start: Date
    var end: Date

// Dump data to show an example
var todaysTimes = [Int:[Datas]]()
let today = Date()
let one_day_before_today = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -1, to: today)!
let two_day_before_today = Calendar.current.date(byAdding: .day, value: -2, to: today)!
todaysTimes[1] = [Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: one_day_before_today, end: Date()), Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: today, end: Date()), Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: two_day_before_today, end: Date())]

// Sort Descending
print("Sorted descending")
for (id, datas) in todaysTimes {
    todaysTimes[id] = datas.sorted(by: { $0.start.compare($1.start) == .orderedDescending })

// Sort Ascending
print("Sorted ascending")
for (id, datas) in todaysTimes {
    todaysTimes[id] = datas.sorted(by: { $0.start.compare($1.start) == .orderedAscending })

// Will print these two lines
// Sorted descending
// [1: [SwiftPlayground.Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000, end: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000), SwiftPlayground.Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: 2019-06-20 12:13:34 +0000, end: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000), SwiftPlayground.Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: 2019-06-19 12:13:34 +0000, end: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000)]]
// Sorted ascending
// [1: [SwiftPlayground.Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: 2019-06-19 12:13:34 +0000, end: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000), SwiftPlayground.Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: 2019-06-20 12:13:34 +0000, end: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000), SwiftPlayground.Datas(id: 1, isVisited: false, start: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000, end: 2019-06-21 12:13:34 +0000)]]
// Try the example in online.swiftplayground.run

您必須在調用 configureCell 之前對數組進行排序。 所以在你的 viewDidLoad 方法中你應該使用這樣的東西。

dates.sort(by: {(p1: Datas, p2: Datas) -> Bool in
        return p1.start > p2.start





var todaysTimes = [Int:[Datas]]()
todaysTimes.forEach { (key,value) in
    let newValue = value.sorted(by: { $0.start < $1.start }) //will sort in ascending order
    todaysTimes[key] = newValue

如果您想按降序對其進行排序,您只需使用>而不是< ,即

let newValue = value.sorted(by: { $0.start > $1.start })


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