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[英]How can I split a SQL table into multiple based on columns which have the same elements?

目前,我有一個大的SQL表。 假設它看起來像這樣:

Table: allData
County Census Tract Population Name
001    xxxxxx       4328       County1
001    yyyyyy       4729       County1
002    zzzzzz       5629       County2
003    aaaaaa       3947       County3

我想要的是每個縣的單獨表格。 所以我會有:

Table: County1
County Census Tract Population Name
001    xxxxxx       4328       County1
001    yyyyyy       4729       County1

Table: County2
County Census Tract Population Name
002    zzzzzz       5629       County2

Table: County3
County Census Tract Population Name
003    aaaaaa       3947       County3


如果您的用例需要為每個縣使用單獨的表,則可以使用以下SQL生成create table語句

select 'create table '+Name+' as select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
  from allData
 group by name


select 'insert into '+Name+' select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
  from allData
 group by name


如果您需要指定架構名稱,則將其添加在“ Name之前,例如

select 'create table <schema.>'+Name+' as select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'


with allData as (    
select '001' County,    'xxxxxx' Census_Tract,       4328 Population,      'County1' Name union all
select '001',    'yyyyyy',       4729,       'County1' union all
select '002',    'zzzzzz',       5629,       'County2' union all
select '003',    'aaaaaa',       3947,       'County3' )
select 'create table '+Name+' as select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
group by name;

with allData as (    
select '001' County,    'xxxxxx' Census_Tract,       4328 Population,      'County1' Name union all
select '001',    'yyyyyy',       4729,       'County1' union all
select '002',    'zzzzzz',       5629,       'County2' union all
select '003',    'aaaaaa',       3947,       'County3' )
select 'insert into '+Name+' select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
from allData
group by name;


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