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How can I split a SQL table into multiple based on columns which have the same elements?

At the moment I have one large SQL table. Let's say it looks like this:

Table: allData
County Census Tract Population Name
001    xxxxxx       4328       County1
001    yyyyyy       4729       County1
002    zzzzzz       5629       County2
003    aaaaaa       3947       County3

What I want is an individual table for each county. So I would have:

Table: County1
County Census Tract Population Name
001    xxxxxx       4328       County1
001    yyyyyy       4729       County1

Table: County2
County Census Tract Population Name
002    zzzzzz       5629       County2

Table: County3
County Census Tract Population Name
003    aaaaaa       3947       County3


If your use case requires a separate table for each County you can use the following SQL to generate create table statements

select 'create table '+Name+' as select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
  from allData
 group by name

This SQL will generate insert statements

select 'insert into '+Name+' select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
  from allData
 group by name

You can run each of these above and copy paste the result into your SQL client to create and populate the tables

If you need to specify schema names add it right before Name like

select 'create table <schema.>'+Name+' as select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'

I have used the following SQL to test the same

with allData as (    
select '001' County,    'xxxxxx' Census_Tract,       4328 Population,      'County1' Name union all
select '001',    'yyyyyy',       4729,       'County1' union all
select '002',    'zzzzzz',       5629,       'County2' union all
select '003',    'aaaaaa',       3947,       'County3' )
select 'create table '+Name+' as select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
group by name;

with allData as (    
select '001' County,    'xxxxxx' Census_Tract,       4328 Population,      'County1' Name union all
select '001',    'yyyyyy',       4729,       'County1' union all
select '002',    'zzzzzz',       5629,       'County2' union all
select '003',    'aaaaaa',       3947,       'County3' )
select 'insert into '+Name+' select * from allData where name = '''+Name+''';'
from allData
group by name;

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