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使用Powershell在Edge中激活Power BI全屏模式

[英]Use Powershell to activate Power BI fullscreen mode in Edge

因此,我需要在我們辦公室的各種顯示器上顯示一堆Power BI報告。 我曾經認為使用Edge會是最好的選擇,因為它與Power BI一起使用效果最好,因為兩者都是MS產品?


# Open an Edge window
start microsoft-edge:
$wshell = New-Object -ComObject wscript.shell;
$wshell.AppActivate('Microsoft Edge')
while(1 -eq 1){
$wshell=New-Object -ComObject wscript.shell;
$wshell.AppActivate('Microsoft Edge'); # Activate on Edge browser
Sleep 2
$wshell.SendKeys('{F11}') #Open Edge in Fullscreen
Sleep 5
$fs = $edge.Document.DocumentElement.getElementsByClassName('glyphicon glyph-small pbi-glyph-fullscreen') | Select-Object -first 1
Sleep 20; # Interval (in seconds) between switch 
$wshell.SendKeys('^{PGDN}'); # Ctrl + Page Up keyboard shortcut to switch tab
Sleep 1; # Interval (in seconds) between refresh
$wshell.SendKeys('{F5}'); # F5 to refresh active page


該腳本旨在打開Edge(然后將打開我需要的默認啟動頁面),將Edge設置為全屏模式,單擊Power BI全屏按鈕,等待20秒鍾,旋轉選項卡,刷新選項卡。

我唯一無法工作的是從該網站的全屏按鈕中單擊Power BI全屏模式。 我不斷出現以下錯誤:

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:12 char:5
+     $fs = $edge.Document.DocumentElement.getElementsByClassName('glyp ...
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:13 char:5
+     $fs.click()
+     ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull

有人有想法么? 干杯

據我所知,Microsoft Edge將不支持COM自動化接口,但是Internet Explorer支持它。 因此,我們無法使用Powershell從Microsoft Edge中找到網頁元素。



//Open IE Browser
$IE=new-object -com internetexplorer.application
//navigate the website.
$IE.navigate2("website url")

//Open IE in Fullscreen
$IE.FullScreen = $true

// find the hyperlink 
$fs = $IE.document.getElementsByClassName('glyphicon glyph-small pbi-glyph-fullscreen') | Select-Object -First 1

//click the button to open the powerbi report

對於Microsoft Edge瀏覽器自動化方案,我們可以使用Microsoft Edge WebDriver來實現。 您可以參考以下C#示例:

安裝Edge WebDriver后,可以打開Edge瀏覽器,並使用FindElementById或FindElementsByClassName方法查找按鈕,然后調用元素click()方法打開報告。

    * This assumes you have added MicrosoftWebDriver.exe to your System Path.
    * For help on adding an exe to your System Path, please see:
    * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ee537574(v=office.14).aspx
    static void Main(string[] args)
        /* You can find the latest version of Microsoft WebDriver here:
        * https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/webdriver/
        var driver = new EdgeDriver();

        // Navigate to Bing
        driver.Url = "https://www.bing.com/";

        // Find the search box and query for webdriver
        var element = driver.FindElementById("sb_form_q");



有關Microsoft Edge WebDriver的更多詳細信息,請查看以下文章:

WebDriver for Microsoft Edge入門

通過WebDriver將自動化測試帶到Microsoft Edge


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