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錯誤:將VBA連接到Adobe Acrobat時出現“ ActiveX無法創建對象”

[英]Error:' ActiveX Cannot Create Object' When Connecting VBA to Adobe Acrobat

我試圖通過VBA將Adobe Acrobat連接到Excel。 目標是獲取PDF並將其插入Excel。

Sub Imp_Into_XL(PDF_File As String, Each_Sheet As Boolean)

'This procedure get the PDF data into excel by following way
'1.Open PDF file
'2.Looping through pages
'3.get the each PDF page data into individual _
  sheets or single sheet as defined in Each_Sheet Parameter

Dim AC_PD As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc              'access pdf file
Dim AC_Hi As Acrobat.AcroHiliteList         'set selection word count
Dim AC_PG As Acrobat.AcroPDPage             'get the particular page
Dim AC_PGTxt As Acrobat.AcroPDTextSelect    'get the text of selection area

Dim WS_PDF As Worksheet
Dim RW_Ct As Long                           'row count
Dim Col_Num As Integer                      'column count
Dim Li_Row As Long                          'Maximum rows limit for one column
Dim Yes_Fir As Boolean                      'to identify beginning of page

Li_Row = Rows.Count

Dim Ct_Page As Long                         'count pages in pdf file
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long         'looping variables
Dim T_Str As String
Dim Hld_Txt As Variant                      'get PDF total text into array

RW_Ct = 0                                   'set the intial value
Col_Num = 1                                 'set the intial value

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set AC_PD = New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc 'ERROR LINE HERE
Set AC_Hi = New Acrobat.AcroHiliteList

我收到運行時錯誤429:ActiveX組件無法在設置AC_PD = New Acrobat.AcroPDDoc的行上創建對象。 我不確定是什么原因造成的。 我很確定我擁有所有正確的參考資料。 任何和所有幫助表示贊賞!

遇到此問題的任何人的答案就是購買Adobe Acrobat Pro。 由於您只能使用Pro獲得正確的正確引用,因此可以完美運行。


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