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Metal RGB 到 YUV 轉換計算着色器

[英]Metal RGB to YUV conversion compute shader

我正在嘗試編寫用於從 RGB 轉換為 YUV 的 Metal 計算着色器,但遇到構建錯誤。

typedef struct {
   float3x3 matrix;
   float3   offset;
} ColorConversion;

  // Compute kernel
 kernel void kernelRGBtoYUV(texture2d<half, access::sample> inputTexture [[ texture(0) ]],
                       texture2d<half, access::write> textureY [[ texture(1) ]],
                       texture2d<half, access::write> textureCbCr [[ texture(2) ]],
                       constant ColorConversion &colorConv [[ buffer(0) ]],
                       uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]])
  // Make sure we don't read or write outside of the texture
  if ((gid.x >= inputTexture.get_width()) || (gid.y >= inputTexture.get_height())) {

  float3 inputColor = float3(inputTexture.read(gid).rgb);

  float3 yuv = colorConv.matrix*inputColor + colorConv.offset;

  half2 uv = half2(yuv.gb);

  textureY.write(half(yuv.x), gid);

  if (gid.x % 2 == 0 && gid.y % 2 == 0) {
      textureCbCr.write(uv, uint2(gid.x / 2, gid.y / 2));

最后一行,即寫入 textureCbCr 會拋出錯誤:

  no matching member function for call to 'write'

在此處輸入圖片說明 我究竟做錯了什么?

根據 Metal Shading Language Specification, texture2d<>上所有write重載的第一個參數是 4 元素向量。 即使您寫入的紋理少於 4 個組件,情況也是如此。 因此,您可以通過將錯誤的行替換為以下內容來解決此問題:

textureCbCr.write(half4(yuv.xyzz), uint2(gid.x / 2, gid.y / 2));



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