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[英]How do I massage data from multiple columns and multiple files into single data frame?


  sp_id         sp_dt          v1      v1      v3

x1|x2|x30|x40   2018-10-07     100     200     300 
x1|x2|x30|x40   2018-10-14     80       80      90  
x1|x2|x30|x40   2018-10-21     34       35      36 
x1|x2|x31|x41   2018-10-07     100     200     300 
x1|x2|x31|x41   2018-10-14     80       80      90  
x1|x2|x31|x41   2018-10-21     34       35      36   
x1|x2|x39|x49   2018-10-21     340      350     36


Variable      sp_partid1  sp_partid2    2018-10-07  ... 2018-10-21
  v4            x30         x40              160     ...   154
  v4            x31         x41              59      ...   75
  v4            x39         x49              75      ...   44
  v5            x30         x40              16      ...   24
  v5            x31         x41              59      ...   79
  v5            x39         x49              75      ...   34

sp_partid1和sp_partid2是可選列。 它們是頂部數據框中的“ sp_id的一部分”列。 該文件可以沒有任何列,或者在此特定示例中,最多可以包含4個這樣的列,每個列都是頂部數據框中的sp_id列的一部分。


  sp_id         sp_dt          v1      v1      v3     v4    v5
x1|x2|x30|x40   2018-10-07     100     200     300    160   16  
x1|x2|x30|x40   2018-10-14     80       80      90    ...   ...
x1|x2|x30|x40   2018-10-21     34       35      36    154   24
x1|x2|x31|x41   2018-10-07     100     200     300    59    59
x1|x2|x31|x41   2018-10-14     80       80      90    ...   ...
x1|x2|x31|x41   2018-10-21     34       35      36    75    79
x1|x2|x39|x49   2018-10-21     340      350     36    44    34


get a list of variables
check if the variable(say v4 in this case) exists in any sheet
if it does:
  does it have any "part of sp_id" 
  #In the example shown sp_partid1 and sp_partid2 of excel sheets 
  #are part of sp_id of dataframe.
  if yes:
  #it means the part of sp_id is common for all values. (x1|x2) in this case. 
      add a new column to dataframe, v4, which has sp_id, sp_dt and,
      the value of that date 
  if no:
  #it means the whol sp_id is common for all values. (x1|x2|x3|x4) in this case and not shown in example.
      add a new column to dataframe, v4, and copy the value under the appropriate dates in excel sheet into corresponding v4 values and sp_dt




df # is the top data frame which I have not gotten around to using yet
var_value # gets values in a loop like 'v4, v5...'

sheets_dict = {name: pd.read_excel('excel_file.xlsx', sheet_name = name, parse_dates = True) for name in sheets}

for key, value in sheets_dict.items():
   if 'Variable' in value.columns:
   # 'Variable' column exists in this sheet
      if var_value in value['Variable'].values:
      # var_value exists in 'Variable' column (say, v4)
          for column in value.columns:
             if column.startswith('sp_'):
                #Do something with column values, then map the values etc


  Variable sp_partid1 sp_partid2  2018-10-07  2018-10-08  2018-10-21
0       v4        x30        x40         160        10.0         154
1       v4        x31        x41          59         NaN          75
2       v4        x32        x42          75        10.0          44
3       v5        x30        x40          16        10.0          24
4       v5        x31        x41          59        10.0          79
5       v5        x32        x42          75        10.0          34


import pandas as pd
book= pd.read_excel('del.xlsx',sheet_name=None)
for df in book.values():
    df=df.melt(id_vars=['Variable','sp_partid1','sp_partid2'], var_name="Date", value_name="Value")
    # concatenate strings of two columns separated by a '|'
    df['sp_id'] = df['sp_partid1'] +'|'+ df['sp_partid2']
    df = df.loc[:,['Variable', 'sp_id','Date','Value']]
    df = df.pivot_table('Value', ['sp_id','Date'], 'Variable').reset_index( drop=False )

>> output
Variable    sp_id        Date     v4    v5
0         x30|x40  2018-10-07  160.0  16.0
1         x30|x40  2018-10-08   10.0  10.0
2         x30|x40  2018-10-21  154.0  24.0
3         x31|x41  2018-10-07   59.0  59.0
4         x31|x41  2018-10-08    NaN  10.0
5         x31|x41  2018-10-21   75.0  79.0
6         x32|x42  2018-10-07   75.0  75.0
7         x32|x42  2018-10-08   10.0  10.0
8         x32|x42  2018-10-21   44.0  34.0

讀取具有sheet_name = None的excel工作簿將給出一個以worksheet namekeydata framevalue的字典

您嘗試做的事情是有道理的,但是操作序列很長,因此在實現它時遇到一些麻煩是正常的。 我認為您應該回到關系數據庫的更高層次的抽象,並使用熊貓提供的高級數據框操作。


  1. 更改sheet_dicts數據sheet_dicts的格式,使其具有相同的數據,但呈現方式不同
   id3           id4        date            v4         v5       
   x30           x40        2018-10-07      160        154
   x31           x41        2018-10-08      30         10
  1. 將原始數據幀的ID分成幾列。
  2. 加入 與ID和日期與原所產生的dataframes。

即使全局目標很明確,我也不能給您一個精確的實現,即使您的說明仍然很模糊。 另外,我沒有提供參考資料來指導您使用關系數據庫,但是我強烈建議您了解情況,這將為您節省很多時間,尤其是在您經常必須執行此類任務時。


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