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我正在嘗試掃描我的網站以檢查哪些端口是打開的。 我只是不明白為什么在使用循環時這個邏輯不起作用

[英]I'm trying to scan my website to check which ports are open. I just can't figure out why this logic does not work when using loops

import socket

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
ip = input("IP Address: ")

port_list = {1: "TCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX)", 5: "Remote Job Entry (RJE)", 7: "ECHO", 18: "Message Send Protocol (MSP)", 20: "FTP -- Data", 21: "FTP -- Control", 22: "SSH Remote Login Protocol", 23: "Telnet", 25: "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)", 29: "MSG ICP", 37: "Time", 42: "Host Name Server (Nameserv)", 43: "WhoIs", 49: "Login Host Protocol (Login)", 53: "Domain Name System (DNS)", 69: "Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)", 70: "Gopher Services", 79: "Finger", 80: "HTTP", 103: "X.400 Standard", 108: "SNA Gateway Access Server", 109: "POP2", 110: "POP3", 115: "Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)", 118: "SQL Services", 119: "Newsgroup (NNTP)", 137: "NetBIOS Name Service", 139: "NetBIOS Datagram Service", 143: "Interim Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)", 150: "NetBIOS Session Service", 156: "SQL Server", 161: "SNMP", 179: "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)", 190: "Gateway Access Control Protocol (GACP)", 194: "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)", 197: "Directory Location Service (DLS)", 389: "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)", 396: "Novell Netware over IP", 443: "HTTPS", 444: "Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP)", 445: "Microsoft-DS", 458: "Apple QuickTime", 546: "DHCP Client", 547: "DHCP Server", 563: "SNEWS", 569: "MSN", 1080: "Socks"}
print("List of commonly used ports: ")

for key in port_list:
    print(key, port_list[key])

list_of_ports = []
for ports in port_list.keys():


def scanner(port):
    strport =str(port)
    if s.connect_ex((ip, port)):
        print(strport + " is closed.")
        print(strport + " is open.")

for current_port in list_of_ports:

我試圖找出我的網站上哪些端口是開放的,哪些是關閉的。 我已經用掃描儀()測試了邏輯,它按預期工作。

但是由於某種原因,當我嘗試遍歷 list_of_ports 列表時,它的邏輯中斷了。


def scanner(ip, port):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    if s.connect_ex((ip, port)):
        print(port, "is closed.")
        print(port, "is open.")


編輯:我在 Stackoverflow 上也找到了這個答案: 我可以使用同一個套接字進行多個連接嗎?


import socket

# --- functions ---

def scanner(ip, port):
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    if s.connect_ex((ip, port)):
        print(port, "is closed.")
        print(port, "is open.")


# --- main ---

port_list = {
    1: "TCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX)",
    5: "Remote Job Entry (RJE)",
    7: "ECHO",
    18: "Message Send Protocol (MSP)",
    20: "FTP -- Data",
    21: "FTP -- Control",
    22: "SSH Remote Login Protocol",
    23: "Telnet",
    25: "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)",
    29: "MSG ICP",
    37: "Time",
    42: "Host Name Server (Nameserv)",
    43: "WhoIs",
    49: "Login Host Protocol (Login)",
    53: "Domain Name System (DNS)",
    69: "Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)",
    70: "Gopher Services",
    79: "Finger",
    80: "HTTP",
    103: "X.400 Standard",
    108: "SNA Gateway Access Server",
    109: "POP2",
    110: "POP3",
    115: "Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)",
    118: "SQL Services",
    119: "Newsgroup (NNTP)",
    137: "NetBIOS Name Service",
    139: "NetBIOS Datagram Service",
    143: "Interim Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)",
    150: "NetBIOS Session Service",
    156: "SQL Server",
    161: "SNMP",
    179: "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)",
    190: "Gateway Access Control Protocol (GACP)",
    194: "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)",
    197: "Directory Location Service (DLS)",
    389: "Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)",
    396: "Novell Netware over IP",
    443: "HTTPS",
    444: "Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP)",
    445: "Microsoft-DS",
    458: "Apple QuickTime",
    546: "DHCP Client",
    547: "DHCP Server",
    563: "SNEWS",
    569: "MSN",
    1080: "Socks",

ip = input("IP Address: ")

print("List of commonly used ports: ")
for port, name  in port_list.items():
    print(port, name)

for port in port_list:
    scanner(ip, port)

順便說一句:在 Linux 上,您可以在/etc/services中找到帶有短名稱的常用端口。 在 Windows 上應該是類似的東西——也可能是帶有名稱services的文件。


tcpmux      1/tcp               # TCP port service multiplexer
echo        7/tcp
echo        7/udp
discard     9/tcp       sink null
discard     9/udp       sink null
systat      11/tcp      users
daytime     13/tcp
daytime     13/udp
netstat     15/tcp
qotd        17/tcp      quote
msp         18/tcp              # message send protocol
msp         18/udp
chargen     19/tcp      ttytst source
chargen     19/udp      ttytst source
ftp-data    20/tcp
ftp         21/tcp
fsp         21/udp      fspd
ssh         22/tcp              # SSH Remote Login Protocol


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