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如何使用 Azure 存儲和實體框架上傳文件

[英]How to Upload Files using Azure Storage and Entity Framework

我在我的項目中使用 .NET Core MVC。 所以我有一個看起來像的Document.cs

public class Document{
     public int DocumentId { get; set; }
     public string DocumentName { get; set; }

     public int DocumentTypeId { get; set; }
     public DocumentType DocumentType { get; set; } 

     public string DocumentFilePath { get; set; } //which contains the File Name for my File Upload function.


public async Task<IActionResult> CreateDocument (DocumentModel model)
    string uniqueFileName = null;
    if(model.DocumentFilePath != null)
        string uploadsFolder = Path.Combine(_hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath, "StoredFiles");
        uniqueFileName = model.DocumentFilePath.FileName;
        string filePath = Path.Combine(uploadsFolder, uniqueFileName);
        await model.DocumentPath.CopyToAsync(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create));
    var entity = new Document()
        DocumentName = model.DocumentName,
        DocumentTypeId = model.DocumentTypeId,
        DocumentFilePath = uniqueFileName,        

     _documentService.Create(entity); // Simple '_context.Set<Document>().Add(entity);'

     return RedirectToAction("CreateDocument");


public class DocumentModel
    public int DocumentId { get; set; }

    public string DocumentName { get; set; }

    public IFormFile DocumentFilePath { get; set; }

    public int DocumentTypeId { get; set; }

    public List<DocumentType> DocumentTypes { get; set;} //For my SelectList in my View.


所以我想開始使用 Azure Blob Storage。 因為我不想將文件存儲在我的項目文件夾中。 我觀看了一些有關 Azure 存儲及其工作原理的視頻,但我不明白如何將我的 FileUpload 方法轉換為 AzureStorage 方法。


public async Task<IActionResult> CreateDocument (DocumentModel model)
    string uniqueFileName = null;
    if(model.DocumentFilePath != null)
        //I think in this part I have to upload to Azure, then I have to get a 
        //return value for my DocumentFilePath for my "entity" object below.
    var entity = new Document()
        DocumentName = model.DocumentName,
        DocumentTypeId = model.DocumentTypeId,
        DocumentFilePath = uniqueFileName,        

     _documentService.Create(entity); // Simple '_context.Set<Document>().Add(entity);'

     return RedirectToAction("CreateDocument");

或者我可以使用單獨的方法第一個將上傳到 azure 然后第二個保存到我的數據庫。

如果你能幫助我,我會很高興的。 謝謝你。

如果使用 blob 存儲,首先安裝 NuGet package: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob


string storageConnection = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("BlobStorageConnectionString");

CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageConnection);

CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

CloudBlobContainer cloudBlobContainer = cloudBlobClient.GetContainerReference("appcontainer");

//create a container if it is not already exists

if (await cloudBlobContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync())

    await cloudBlobContainer.SetPermissionsAsync(new BlobContainerPermissions { PublicAccess = BlobContainerPublicAccessType.Blob });


//get Blob reference

CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob = cloudBlobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(model.DocumentFilePath.Name);
cloudBlockBlob.Properties.ContentType = model.DocumentFilePath.ContentType;

using (var stream = model.DocumentFilePath.OpenReadStream())
    await cloudBlockBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(stream);

存儲中文件的 url 將為https://xxxxx.blob.core.windows.net/{ContainerName}/{FileName}


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