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[英]Returning a 2-Dimensional Array from a method

我正在嘗試從 class 內部的 function 返回一個二維數組。 我不想在 function 中創建一個新數組,因為我想返回傳遞給 function 的同一個數組。

我嘗試創建一個同名的新數組,但它說它已經在 scope 中定義。 我也嘗試過 (return plane;) 由於數據類型不兼容而無法正常工作。 我也試過 (return plane[][];) 但這也不起作用。

public class Airplane {
    private String maxSeats; //used for constructor
    private char[][] plane = new char[13][6]; //array to be passed in

 public char create(char[][] plane) {
       plane[13][6]; //this is where I'm unsure what to do
        //initialize them as '*' to start
        for (int i = 0; i <= 12; i++) {
            for ( int k = 0; k <= 5; k++) {
                 plane[i][k] = '*';
return plane;

我正在嘗試返回要在另一個 function 中使用的數組,我將在其中對其進行修改。


public class Airplane {
        private String maxSeats;
        private char[][] plane = new char[13][6];

        public char[][] create(char[][] plane) {

            // plane[13][6]; you should remove this line, it's the wrong syntax 
           //and it's unneeded since you've already declared this array

            // this is a more compact version of your nested loop
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
                Arrays.fill(plane[i], '*'); //fills the whole array with the same value

            return plane;



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