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如何從 R 數據幀的兩列中聯合采樣?

[英]How to take sample from two columns of R data frame jointly?

我有一個 4 列的數據框。 我正在嘗試將數據框的兩列混在一起,以使這兩列始終相關。


data = data.frame(label=letters[1:5], label2=letters[1:15], number=11:15)
data = within(data, numbersq <- (number*number))

# lable lable2 number numbersq
#   a     a      11     121
#   b     b      12     144
#   c     c      13     169
#   d     d      14     196
#   e     e      15     225

#Now, I want to twick the data something like, columns 'lable' and 'lable2' remains as it is and columns 'number' and 'numbersq' should shufffle. 
#As you can see in the desired output,'number' and 'numbersq' should shuffled together not separately.

#Desired Output

# lable lable2 number numbersq
#   a     a      15     225
#   b     b      13     169
#   c     c      14     196
#   d     d      12     144
#   e     e      11     121

I have tried he following code but seems it shuffles the columns separately.

data_2 = data.frame(data_2$label, data_2$label2, sample(data_2$number), sample(data_2$numbersq))

取行的樣本,例如,如果您想要 5 行的樣本

row_sample <- sample(1:nrow(data),5)
#  label lable2 number numbersq
#7     g      g     17      289
#2     b      b     12      144
#3     c      c     13      169
#8     h      h     18      324
#1     a      a     11      121

非常感謝您的建議。 最后我得到了解決方案。 代碼如下。 我相信代碼仍然可以優化。

data <- data.frame(label=letters[1:5], lable2=letters[1:5], number=11:15)
data = within(data, numbersq <- (number*number))

# lable lable2 number numbersq
#   a     a      11     121
#   b     b      12     144
#   c     c      13     169
#   d     d      14     196
#   e     e      15     225

data_2a = data[,1:2]
data_2b = data[,3:4]
data_2b_samp = data_2b[sample(nrow(data_2b)), ]

data_3 = cbind(data_2a, data_2b_samp)


# lable lable2 number numbersq
#   a     a      15     225
#   b     b      13     169
#   c     c      14     196
#   d     d      12     144
#   e     e      11     121


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