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使用 Object Initializer 聲明嵌套對象時從匿名子引用匿名父

[英]Reference anonymous parent from anonymous child when declaring nested objects with Object Initializer

如果我有一組父、子、孫子類,其中孫子需要它的父作為構造函數參數,有沒有辦法仍然能夠使用嵌套的Object Initializers聲明?

例如,考慮 Invoice Header,Invoice Line,Invoice Line 細分:

public class InvoiceHeaderModel
    public List<InvoiceLineModel> InvoiceLineModels { get; set; }

public class InvoiceLineModel
    public List<InvoiceLineBreakdown> InvoiceLineBreakdowns { get; set; }

public class InvoiceLineBreakdown
    public InvoiceLineBreakdown(InvoiceLineModel parentInvoiceLine)
        _parentInvoiceLine = parentInvoiceLine;

    private InvoiceLineModel _parentInvoiceLine;


public InvoiceHeaderModel BuildAnInvoice()
    return new InvoiceHeaderModel
        InvoiceLineModels = new List<InvoiceLineModel>
            new InvoiceLineModel
                InvoiceLineBreakdowns = new List<InvoiceLineBreakdown>
                    new InvoiceLineBreakdown(/* Need to reference the anonymous outer InvoiceLineModel*/),
                    new InvoiceLineBreakdown()


我很欣賞有很好的 arguments 不引用來自孩子的父母,但是有沒有辦法使用 Object Initializers] 來實現上面的嵌套聲明,或者我只需要顯式聲明所有對象,然后再編寫發票 ZBF50D2ZE6611E6D70A7?



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var ihm = new 
        InvoiceLineModels = new List<Object>
           new {
               Test = 1,
               //ihm = ihm Can't be used here until the declaration is completed nor can this be used.
        //ihm is available here 

看來您應該將流程分開; 從 db 加載子項,然后將它們添加到要返回的列表中,該列表可以存儲在 ihm 中。 在查詢期間使用let語法來實現同樣的目的。

總之。 分配等的 POF 在哪里。祝你好運


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