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如何在 xcode 10.2.1/swift 4.2 中使用“iterateEnum”函數按照枚舉列表中指定的特定順序對數組中的字符串值進行排序

[英]How to use 'iterateEnum' function in xcode 10.2.1/swift 4.2 to sort string value from array in specific order as specified in the enum list

作為從 swift 3.0 xcode 9.4.1 到 swift 4.2 xcode 10.2.1 的代碼遷移的一部分,我面臨着 swift 3.0 中使用的數組排序方法的問題,該方法在 swift 3.x 中工作正常,但在 xcode 10.2.1/swift 上4.2 它不起作用,返回 nil 值而不是排序的數組列表:

// Statuses currently come through in an array, which is not sorted in the correct order
// The order is specific, as specified in the enum list
// Create a pre-made list of section headers, only for statuses that have valid activities

Leave 是一個 JSONEncodable 模態類,Status 是其中聲明的枚舉字符串。 任何幫助將不勝感激。 提前致謝。

open class Leave: JSONEncodable {

    public enum Status: String { 
        case Drafts = "Drafts"
        case PushedBack = "Pushed Back"
        case PendingApproval = "Pending Approval"
        case UpcomingLeave = "Upcoming Leave"
        case History = "History"
        case Booked = "Booked"
        case Approved = "Approved"
        case Denied = "Denied"
        case ApprovedAndDeniedRequest = "Approved and Denied Request"
        case Error = "Error"

var orderedSections: [Leave.Status] {
    var list: [Leave.Status] = []
    for status in iterateEnum(Leave.Status.self) {
    return list

fileprivate func iterateEnum<T: Hashable>(_: T.Type) -> AnyIterator<T> {
    var i = 0
    return AnyIterator {
        let next = withUnsafePointer(to: &i) { $0.withMemoryRebound(to: T.self, capacity: 1) { $0.pointee } }
        let res: T? = next.hashValue == i ? next : nil
        i += 1
        return res


var orderedSections: [Leave.Status] {
    var list: [Leave.Status] = []

    Leave.Status.allCases.forEach { (status) in
//    for status in iterateEnum(Leave.Status.self) {
//        list.append(status)
//    }
    return list

您不需要 iterateEnum 函數,只需在String之后使您的枚舉符合CaseIterable協議即可訪問.allCases.


public enum Listing: String, CaseIterable {
    case a = "a"
    case b = "b"



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