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使用 Mimekit 進行數字簽名驗證失敗

[英]Digitalsignature verification failed using Mimekit

我們正在嘗試使用 MimeKit 來驗證數字簽名的電子郵件 (.p7m) 簽名。 當我調用signature.Verify(); 它拋出錯誤消息:


但同樣的郵件被 Limilabs.Mail 成功驗證。


if (message.Body is MultipartSigned)
    var signed = (MultipartSigned)message.Body;
    foreach (var signature in signed.Verify())
            bool valid = signature.Verify();

            // If valid is true, then it signifies that the signed content
            // has not been modified since this particular signer signed the
            // content.
            // However, if it is false, then it indicates that the signed
            // content has been modified.
        catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException)
            // There was an error verifying the signature.


這里的問題是,默認情況下,當開發人員沒有明確提供用於MultipartSigned.Verify()方法調用的上下文並且也沒有注冊替代 S/MIME 時,MimeKit 默認使用DefaultSecureMimeContext后端使用CryptographyContext.Register()上下文。

由於DefaultSecureMimeContext以一個空的 S/MIME 證書數據庫開始,因此它沒有受信任的錨點(又名根證書頒發機構證書),因此在它為 S/MIME 簽名者構建證書鏈時拋出您看到的異常驗證簽名。


if (message.Body is MultipartSigned)
    var signed = (MultipartSigned)message.Body;

    using (var ctx = new WindowsSecureMimeContext ()) {
        foreach (var signature in signed.Verify(ctx))
                bool valid = signature.Verify();

                // If valid is true, then it signifies that the signed content
                // has not been modified since this particular signer signed the
                // content.
                // However, if it is false, then it indicates that the signed
                // content has been modified.
            catch (DigitalSignatureVerifyException)
                // There was an error verifying the signature.


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