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來自 C# 中大型 CSV 文件的 WPF Datagrid

[英]WPF Datagrid from large CSV file in C#

我正在嘗試將 CSV 導入List<Model>()

我的 CSV 有超過 30,000 行/行的數據。 我發現將它加載到模型列表中需要很長時間,然后綁定到datagrid

我試過使用CsvHelperFile.ReadAllLines(file).ToList(); ,兩者都需要很長時間才能加載。

關於加快 CSV 數據導入的任何建議?

我猜可能不是讀取文件需要這么長時間。 可能是我將每一行存儲為一個類嗎? 我猜這都存儲在內存中,所有 30,000 個條目。 有沒有更好的方法來填充 DataGrid?


        // PersonDataView
    <DataGrid X:Name="Employees" > 


    public class PersonModel
        /// <summary>
        /// The unique identifier for the person.
        /// </summary>
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        public string LastName { get; set; }

        public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

        public string CellphoneNumber { get; set; }

        public string Other { get; set; }

    public class PersonDataViewModel : Screen

      public List<PersonModel> _employees = new List<PersonModel>();
      public List<PersonModel> Employees
        get { return _employees; }
        set { 
          _employees = value;
          NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => EmployeeData)

      public PersonDataViewModel()
        Employees = new BindableCollection<PersonModel>(GetPersonData_All());

    public static BindableCollection<PrizeModel>     GetPersonData_All(this List<string> lines)
        List<PrizeModel> output = new List<PrizeModel>();
        string file = "EmployeeModel.csv";

        var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filepath);

        foreach (string line in lines)
            string[] cols = line.Split(',');

            PersonModel p = new PersonModel();
            p.Id = int.Parse(cols[0]);
            p.FirstName = int.Parse(cols[1]);
            p.LastName = cols[2];
            p.EmailAddress = decimal.Parse(cols[3]);
            p.CellphoneNumber = double.Parse(cols[4]);
            p.Other = double.Parse(cols[4]);


        return output;

我不知道你是否總是有問題,但我分享我的經驗。 在讀取文件時很難贏得時間,除非您將文件分成更多部分並使用多線程讀取不同部分。


為了幫助做到這一點,您可以使用技術昵稱“ Blocking Collection ”示例


void ReadAndProcessFiles(string[] filePaths)
    // Our thread-safe collection used for the handover.
    var lines = new BlockingCollection<string>();

    // Build the pipeline.
    var phase1 = Task.Run(() =>
            foreach (var filePath in filePaths)
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(filePath))
                    string line;

                    while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                        // Hand over to phase 2 and continue reading.

    var phase2 = Task.Run(() =>
        // Process lines on a ThreadPool thread
        // as soon as they become available.
        foreach (var line in lines.GetConsumingEnumerable())
            //DO something during phase2

    // Block until both tasks have completed.
    // This makes this method prone to deadlocking.
    // Consider using 'await Task.WhenAll' instead.
    Task.WaitAll(phase1, phase2);



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