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[英]How to pass typedef struct by reference in c

我正在嘗試將 txt 文件中的數據點加載到typdef struct dataset ,我需要一個將數據集拆分為訓練和測試的函數,因此它必須返回兩個值,在 c 中這可以使用 void 方法完成參考參數,例如它的工作原理

void div(int a, int b, int *quotient, int *remainder) {
   *quotient = a / b;
   *remainder = a % b;
main() {
   int a = 76, b = 10;
   int q, r;
   div(a, b, &q, &r);
   printf("Quotient is: %d\nRemainder is: %d\n", q, r);

但是,如果 param 是一個結構體,就像我的情況一樣,值似乎沒有更新,並且在初始化時保持不變。

我的問題是如何使這個對 struct 起作用,所以這樣的事情會起作用

dataset *trainset, *testset;

trainset = load(filename, ratio, &testset);

typedef 結構是:

typedef struct data_member {
    double*         inputs;         /* The input data */
    double*         targets;        /* The target outputs */
} data_member;

typedef struct dataset{
    data_member*    members;        /* The members of the dataset */
    int             num_members;    /* The number of members in the set */
    int             num_inputs;     /* The number of inputs in the set */
    int             num_outputs;    /* The number of outputs in the set */
} dataset;


<Nrows> <Ninputs> <Noutputs>
<i1> <i2> <i3>.. <iN> <o1>... <oN>
<i1> <i2> <i3>.. <iN> <o1>... <oN>
<i1> <i2> <i3>.. <iN> <o1>... <oN>
<i1> <i2> <i3>.. <iN> <o1>... <oN>
<i1> <i2> <i3>.. <iN> <o1>... <oN>



typedef stuct dataset {
        struct data_member *members;
        unsigned num_members;
        unsigned num_inputs;
        unsigned num_outputs;
        } Dataset;
int load_data(Dataset *result, FILE *fp);

int main(void)
int rc;
FILE *fp;
Dataset the_data = {NULL, 0,0,0};

fp = fopen ("the_file", "r");
rc = load_data( &the_data, fp);

fclose (fp);
return 0;

int load_data(Dataset *result, FILE *fp)
/* ... your code here ...  */
return 13;


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