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在 C 中通過引用傳遞結構

[英]Pass struct by reference in C

這段代碼正確嗎? 它按預期運行,但是這段代碼是否正確使用了結構的指針和點表示法?

struct someStruct {
 unsigned int total;

int test(struct someStruct* state) {
 state->total = 4;

int main () {
 struct someStruct s;
 s.total = 5;
 printf("\ns.total = %d\n", s.total);

您對指針和點符號的使用很好。 如果有問題,編譯器應該給你錯誤和/或警告。


注意:下面源代碼示例中的代碼編寫差異是我在函數定義/聲明中的結構名稱之后和星號之前放置了一個空格,如struct someStruct *p1; 並且 OP 在星號后放置一個空格,如struct someStruct* p1; . 編譯器沒有區別,只是程序員的可讀性和習慣不同。 我更喜歡將星號放在變量名旁邊,以明確星號會更改它旁邊的變量名。 如果聲明或定義中有多個變量,這一點尤其重要。 編寫struct someStruct *p1, *p2, var1; 將創建兩個指針p1p2以及一個變量var1 編寫struct someStruct* p1, p2, var1; 將創建單個指針p1和兩個變量p2var1

// Define the new variable type which is a struct.
// This definition must be visible to any function that is accessing the
// members of a variable of this type.
struct someStruct {
    unsigned int total;

 * Modifies the struct that exists in the calling function.
 *   Function test() takes a pointer to a struct someStruct variable
 *   so that any modifications to the variable made in the function test()
 *   will be to the variable pointed to.
 *   A pointer contains the address of a variable and is not the variable iteself.
 *   This allows the function test() to modify the variable provided by the
 *   caller of test() rather than a local copy.
int test(struct someStruct *state) {
    state->total = 4;
    return 0;

 * Modifies the local copy of the struct, the original
 * in the calling function is not modified.
 * The C compiler will make a copy of the variable provided by the
 * caller of function test2() and so any changes that test2() makes
 * to the argument will be discarded since test2() is working with a
 * copy of the caller's variable and not the actual variable.
int test2(struct someStruct state) {
    state.total = 8;
    return 0;

int test3(struct someStruct *state) {
    struct someStruct  stateCopy;
    stateCopy = *state;    // make a local copy of the struct
    stateCopy.total = 12;  // modify the local copy of the struct
    *state = stateCopy;    /* assign the local copy back to the original in the
                              calling function. Assigning by dereferencing pointer. */
    return 0;

int main () {
    struct someStruct s;

    /* Set the value then call a function that will change the value. */
    s.total = 5;
    printf("after test(): s.total = %d\n", s.total);

     * Set the value then call a function that will change its local copy 
     * but not this one.
    s.total = 5;
    printf("after test2(): s.total = %d\n", s.total);

     * Call a function that will make a copy, change the copy,
       then put the copy into this one.
    printf("after test3(): s.total = %d\n", s.total);

    return 0;

這是結構的正確用法。 有關於您的返回值的問題。

此外,因為您正在打印一個 unsigned int,所以您應該使用%u而不是%d

恩,那就對了。 它創建一個 struct s ,將其總數設置為 5,將指向它的指針傳遞給使用該指針將總數設置為 4 的函數,然后將其打印出來。 ->用於指向結構體和. 用於結構成員。 就像你使用它們一樣。

但是返回值是不同的。 test可能應該是無效的,並且main在其末尾需要return 0

是的。 這是正確的。 如果不是(從 . / -> 的角度來看),您的編譯器會大喊大叫。

是的,它正確使用了結構。 你也可以使用

typedef struct someStruct {
 unsigned int total;
} someStruct;

那么你就不必寫struct someStruct s; 一次又一次但可以使用someStruct s; 然后。


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