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無法從 json 獲得正確的 api 結果(使用 json_decode)

[英]can't get right api result from json (using json_decode)

我想從 API 打印結果......但它不起作用......我不知道有什么問題我試圖這樣做但得到了這個並且它不起作用:

$api = 'https://api.battlemetrics.com/servers/'; // the main API for servers.
$server = '5090469'; // the number of the server you will get the info from most of thime something like 5484856.
$api_full = $api . $server; // bringing them together.
$json = file_get_contents("$api_full"); // Putting the content of the file in a variable.
$response = json_decode($json, true); // decode the JSON feed

if ($response['data']['status'] == "online") {
                                    echo "ONLINE"; 
                                } else {
                                    echo "OFFLINE";

如果您想查看 json 響應,請附加以下鏈接: https : //api.battlemetrics.com/servers/5090469


看起來您只是在 if 語句中缺少一個鍵。

應該是: if($response['data']['attributes']['status'] == "online")


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