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[英]While Loop Function after a button is pressed and stop looping when another button is pressed C#

在我的 Windorm Form 應用程序中,我有兩個按鈕,當按下按鈕 1 時循環函數將開始工作,並在按下按鈕 2 后停止執行。 我怎么能這樣做來防止我的 GUI 無響應。 我怎么能插入命令while(button2.clicked != true)

我的按鈕 1 代碼:

private async void EmoStart_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //var repeat = "true";
        string imageFilePath = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\source\\repos\\FaceDetection\\FaceDetection\\test3.jpg";
       while (VoiceStart_Click_2 != "true")
        var image = pictureBox1.Image;
        image = resizeImage(image, new Size(1209, 770));
        if (File.Exists(imageFilePath))
            var Emo = await FaceEmotion.MakeAnalysisRequest(imageFilePath);
            if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Anger >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Anger, Bad Driving Condition, Soft Music will be played";
            else if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Contempt >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Contempt, Bad Driving Condition, Soft Music will be played";
            else if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Disgust >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Disgust, Bad Driving Condition, Soft Music will be played";
            else if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Fear >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Fear, Bad Driving Condition, Soft Music will be played";
            else if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Happiness >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Happiness, Good Driving Condition";
            else if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Neutral >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Neutral, Good Driving Condition";
            else if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Sadness >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Sadness, Bad Driving Condition, Rock Music will be played";
            else if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Surprise >= 0.5)
                EmoBox.Text = "Happiness, Bad Driving Condition, Soft Music will be played";
                EmoBox.Text = "Stable Condition, Good Driving Condition";

而對於我的 button2 代碼:

private async void VoiceStart_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string command = await Voice.RecognizeSpeechAsync();
    VoiceBox.Text = command;


您必須在單獨的線程中運行循環。 例如,您可以異步運行它。 像這樣的東西:

// start the loop
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    LoopStopped = false;
    await StartLoopAsync();

// put yor while loop here
private Task StartLoopAsync()
    return Task.Run(() =>
        while (LoopStopped == false)
            var date = DateTime.Now;

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Thread stopped.");

// stop the loop
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    LoopStopped = true;





像您那樣將方法的簽名更改為異步是不夠的。 您必須告訴編譯器應該等待哪些其他部分。 你想要你的整個 while 函數異步!

private async void EmoStart_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
    EmoStart.Enabled = false;           //I assume EmoStart is the name of your button
    await Task.Factory.StartNew(Loop);
    EmoStart.Enabled = true;

private void Loop()                     //since this method doesn't have async in its signature "var Emo = await FaceEmotion.MakeAnalysisRequest(imageFilePath);" won't compile, so you should change to the synchronous equivalent "var Emo = FaceEmotion.MakeAnalysisRequest(imageFilePath).Result;" --> note that it won't block due to "Task.Factory.StartNew".
    string imageFilePath = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\source\\repos\\FaceDetection\\FaceDetection\\test3.jpg";
    while (...)
        // do your stuff

然后您可以決定如何取消 while 循環。

選項 1 .:您可以使用全局 bool 變量:

private bool emotionsShouldBeProcessed;

然后在EmoStart_Click_1中將其設置為 true 並設置為 false ,如下所示:

private async void VoiceStart_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e)
    VoiceStart.Enabled = false;
    emotionsShouldBeProcessed = false;
    // start and await voice stuff 
    VoiceStart.Enabled = true;

選項 2 .:您可以使用 CancellationToken 來跟蹤是否需要取消。

CancellationTokenSource cSource;

private async void EmoStart_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
    EmoStart.Enabled = false;
    cSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Loop(cSource.Token));
    EmoStart.Enabled = true;
private void Loop(CancellationToken cToken)
    string imageFilePath = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\source\\repos\\FaceDetection\\FaceDetection\\test3.jpg";
    while (true)
        if (cToken.IsCancellationRequested)
        // otherwise do your stuff
    // some clean up here if necessary
private async void VoiceStart_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e)
    VoiceStart.Enabled = false;
    VoiceStart.Enabled = true;

到現在為止還挺好! 但是你的代碼會崩潰

每當您想設置EmoBox.Text時它都會崩潰,因為這只會發生在 UI 線程上。 為避免這種情況,您需要請求 UI 線程中斷,直到 Textbox/Label/etc 操作正在進行,如下所示:

    EmoBox.Text = "...";


我還會檢查 Emo 數組是否為空,因為面部和情緒識別並不總是成功! 因此,Emo[0] 可能會導致“索引超出范圍”異常。 以下代碼確保它不為空:

var Emo = ...;
if (Emo.Length > 0)
    if (...)
        // use Emo[0]
    else if (...)
        // use Emo[0] differently


您可以創建一個 bool 變量並在您的變量為真時進行循環。

因此,當單擊 button1 時,將變量設置為 true。

然后你的 while 看起來像這樣:


當單擊 button2 時,您可以將值更改為 false,while 將停止。

您可以使用全局變量(bool 是一個不錯的選擇)

當 VoiceStart_Click_2 改變變量時

並在單擊 EmoStart_Click_1 時檢查變量

if (variable==true)
    var Emo = await FaceEmotion.MakeAnalysisRequest(imageFilePath);
    if (Emo[0].FaceAttributes.Emotion.Anger >= 0.5)
       EmoBox.Text = "Anger, Bad Driving Condition, Soft Music will be played";



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