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如何將 ThenInclude 實現到 EF Core 自定義規范中?

[英]How to implement ThenInclude into EF Core custom specification?

EF Core 3.1 我看過規范示例,並且想要實現 ThenInclude 模式。

public static class QuerySpecificationExtensions
    public static IQueryable<T> Specify<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, ISpecification<T> spec) where T : class
        // fetch a Queryable that includes all expression-based includes
        var queryableResultWithIncludes = spec.Includes
                (current, include) => current.Include(include));

        // modify the IQueryable to include any string-based include statements
        var secondaryResult = spec.IncludeStrings
                (current, include) => current.Include(include));

        // return the result of the query using the specification's criteria expression
        return secondaryResult.Where(spec.Criteria);

我可以將其添加到字符串中,例如“User.UserRole.Role”,但我想實現對象。 也許那里不可能?


List<Expression<Func<T, object>>> Includes { get; }

問題是 EF Core Include / ThenInclude鏈不能用Expression<Func<T, object>> 此模式在 EF6 中使用,它支持包含表達式內的特殊語法 ( Select ) 來解析集合元素。 但是 EF Core 不支持開箱即用。

插入 EF Core 模式的最簡單、最自然的方法是更改​​定義如下:

List<Func<IQueryable<T>, IIncludableQueryable<T, object>>> Includes { get; }


Includes.Add(q => q.Include(e => e.User).ThenInclude(e => e.UserRoles).ThenInclude(e => e.Role));


var queryableResultWithIncludes = spec.Includes
        (current, include) => include(current));


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