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如何使用用戶輸入和 1 到 100 之間的值對 python 中的列表進行排序,並且沒有重復值?

[英]How do I sort list in python with user input and values between 1 and 100 and no repeating values?

我想制作一個程序,以升序對數字列表進行排序,值在 1 到 100 之間。這就是我所做的,如果您運行代碼,列表會打印多次並且沒有正確指出錯誤:

# This is the user input
a = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
b = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
c = int(input("Enter the third number: "))
d = int(input("Enter the fourth number: "))
e = int(input("Enter the fifth number: "))
f = int(input("Enter the sixth number: "))
# This the list to sort
array = [a, b, c, d, e, f]
#This will count how many time each value is repeated
aa = int(array.count(a))
bb = int(array.count(b))
cc = int(array.count(c))
dd = int(array.count(d))
ee = int(array.count(e))
ff = int(array.count(f))
# This will loop through the list
for i in array:
    # This is checking if any values are repeated or not between 1 and 100
    if i > 100 or i < 1 or aa and bb and cc and dd and ee and ff > 1:
        print("Number should be smaller than 100 and larger than 1 and numbers can't be repeated")
    # This is to print the sorted list if you get everything right

我認為您想用if...aa and bb and cc and dd and ee and ff > 1:or語句替換您的and語句。 否則,僅當所有數字都重復時,條件才會為True

if i > 100 or i < 1 or aa or bb or cc or dd or ee or ff > 1:

注意:這將打印Number should be smaller than 100 and larger than 1 and numbers can't be repeated 6 次,這是您真正想要的嗎?


  • 檢查 max(array) > 100
  • 檢查 min(array) < 1
  • array轉換為一個set (只保留唯一值)並比較它們的長度

嘗試這個 :

# This is the user input
a = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
b = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
c = int(input("Enter the third number: "))
d = int(input("Enter the fourth number: "))
e = int(input("Enter the fifth number: "))
f = int(input("Enter the sixth number: "))

# This the list to sort
array = [a, b, c, d, e, f]

if max(array)>100 or min(array)<1 or len(set(array)) != len(array):
    print("Number should be smaller than 100 and larger than 1 and numbers can't be repeated")


我知道 StackOverflow 的本意不是給別人寫代碼,但是我想推薦給你的很多東西,我只能用代碼來表達。 在這里,我認為你可以通過分析來學習一些東西。

(它需要 Python 3.8 或更高版本):

accepted_numbers = set() # Begin with an empty bag

## Main Job ##
def main():
  for i in range(1, 6+1):
      while not satisfy_conditions(number := get_ith_number(i)):

## END Main Job ##

## Support ##

def satisfy_conditions(number):
    # Returns True if the number is not in the bag and is between 1 and 100
    return number not in accepted_numbers and (1 <= number <= 100)

def get_ith_number(i):
    word_number = {1:'first', 2:'second', 3:'third', 4:'forth', 5:'five', 6:'sixth'}
    return int(input(f'Enter the {word_number[i]} number: '))

def notify_error():
    print("Number should be smaller than 100 and larger than 1 and numbers can't be repeated")

def report():

## END Support ##

if __name__ == '__main__':


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