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如何將字符串(或任何類型)存儲到 T 類型的數組中?

[英]How do I store strings (or any type) into an array of type T?

我試圖在 T 類型的數組中存儲一個字符串(或任何類型),但出現兩個錯誤:

“std::string &”類型的引用(非const限定)不能用“const char [3]”類型的值初始化

“bool container::insertBack(T &)”:無法將參數 1 從“const char [3]”轉換為“T &”

我嘗試將類型更改為 int 而不是 string:我收到了類似的錯誤消息。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template<typename T>
class container
    // Postcondition: data member n is initialized to -1 and all elements in the empty arr array are initialized to zero
    bool isFull();
    // Postcondition: returns true if the container object (i.e., the arr array) is full; returns false otherwise
    bool insertBack(T& val);
    //  Precondition: the container object is not full
    // Postcondition: if arr array is not full, n is incremented by 1; returns true with val is inserted at the end of the arr array 
    //                 Otherwise, returns false; the value is not inserted and program execution continues.
    static const int CAPACITY = 10;     // physical size of the arr array or the storage capacity of a container object
    T arr[CAPACITY];            // arr array can store up to CAPACITY  (10 in our case) of any type 
    int n;                      // n is used as the subscript for the arr array. n is initialized to -1 for an empty array
                                // Each time a new value is inserted into the arr array, n must first be incremented 
                                // by 1. Since n has been initialized to -1, the first inserted value is stored in arr[0],
                                // and the 2nd inserted value will be in arr[1], etc.  and the nth inserted value will be 
                                // stored in arr[n – 1]. Obviously, n + 1 represents the actual number of elements
                                // stored in the array after n rounds of insertion.         

template<typename T>
    n = -1;
    T arr[CAPACITY] = { 0 };

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::isFull()
    return n == CAPACITY - 1;

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::insertBack(T& val)
    if (!isFull())
        arr[n - 1] = val;
        return 1;
        return 0;

int main()
    container<std::string> s1;

對於相同的錯誤, g++給出了略有不同的輸出:

cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>&' to an rvalue of type 'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>'


non-const lvalue reference to type 'std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>' cannot bind to a value of unrelated type 'const char [3]'


接下來你會發現T arr[CAPACITY] = { 0 };
給出一個運行時異常,如: basic_string::_M_construct null not valid

你不是零初始化arr那樣。 事實上,您正在創建一個新的arr並嘗試使用nullptr構造它,這不適用於std::string[]



#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template<typename T, size_t Capacity = 10>       // made the capacity selectable
class container {
    container() : arr{}, n(0) {}                 // using member initializer list

    bool isFull() const { return n == Capacity; } // correct test with a 0 based counter

    bool insertBack(const T& val) {               // const
        if (isFull()) return false;
        // return true or false, not 1 or 0 
        arr[n++] = val;
        return true;

    T arr[Capacity];
    size_t n;

int main() {
    container<std::string> s1;


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