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如何使用 docfx 從解決方案中的項目中收集所有 xml 文檔?

[英]How to collect all xml-documentation from projects in solution with docfx?



我嘗試更改 docfx.json 的道具和值

      "src": [
          "files": [
          "src": "Project"
      "dest": "api",
      "disableGitFeatures": false,
      "disableDefaultFilter": false

每個項目都有 nugetpackage docfx.console 構建解決方案后,我在每個項目中都有文檔。 我想將解決方案中項目的所有 xml 文檔收集到文件夾 Project.Documentation。 請告訴我,可能還是不可能? 如果是的話,你能幫我告訴我我做錯了什么,在哪里嗎?

看看以下是否有效。 我可以使用 xml linq 而不是使用正則表達式。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string mainProject = @"c:\temp\myProject.csproj";
            string projectName = mainProject.Substring(mainProject.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
            string folder = mainProject.Substring(0, mainProject.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
            GetProjectsRecursive(folder, projectName, 0);
        static void GetProjectsRecursive(string folder, string project, int level)
            string pattern = "<ProjectReference Include=\"(?'project'[^\"]+)";

            if (File.Exists(folder + project))
                string contents = File.ReadAllText(folder + project);
                MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(contents, pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline);
                if (matches.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Match match in matches)
                        string projectName = match.Groups["project"].Value;
                        string childProjectName = projectName.Substring(projectName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
                        string childFolder = projectName.Substring(0, projectName.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);
                        Console.WriteLine("{0}Project : '{1}', Refeference Project : '{2}'", new string(' ', level), project, projectName);

                        if (childFolder.StartsWith("..\\"))
                            childFolder = folder + childFolder;
                        GetProjectsRecursive(childFolder, childProjectName, level + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("Project Does Not Exist : '{0}'", folder + project);


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