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通過 R 中的結構化列表嵌套循環

[英]nested loops through a structured list in R

我有一個示例數據集garden ,如下所示。 真正的東西是數千行。 我也有一個示例列表。 productFruit 我想知道每個fruitcalories ,考慮到garden報告的usage 我基本上想遍歷表中的所有行,檢查使用情況是否recordedproductFruit列表中,並返回calories或以下錯誤消息之一:

  • 如果在productFruit列表中沒有發現usage則“使用范圍外”
  • 如果在productFruit列表中未發現任何usage則為“超出范圍的水果”
  • 如果數據丟失,則為“錯誤數據”


fruit = c("Apple", "Kiwi", "Banana", "Orange", "Blueberry")
usage = c("cooking", "cooking", "NA", "drinking", "medicine")
reported = c(200, 500, 77, 520, 303)

    garden <- cbind(fruit, usage, reported)
    garden <- as.data.table(garden)


productFruit <- list(Basket = c('DUH'), 
                type = list (
                  Apple = list(ID = 1,
                            color = "poor",
                            usage = list(eating = list(ID = 1,
                                                       quality = "good",
                                                       calories = 500),
                                         medicine = list(ID = 2,
                                                         quality = "poor",
                                                         calories = 300))),
                  Orange = list(ID = c(1,2,3),
                            color = c(3,4,5),
                            usage = list(eating = list(ID = 1,
                                                       quality = "poor",
                                                       calories = 420),
                                         cooking = list(ID = 2,
                                                        quality = "questionable",
                                                        calories = 600),
                                         drinking = list(ID = 3,
                                                         quality = "good",
                                                         calories = 800),
                                         medicine = list(ID = 4,
                                                         quality = "good",
                                                         calories = 0))),
                  Banana = list(ID = c(1,2,3),
                           color = c(3,4,5),
                           usage = list(cooking = list(ID = 1,
                                                      quality = "good",
                                                      calories = 49),
                                          drinking = list(ID = 2,
                                                          quality = "questionable",
                                                          calories = 11),
                                          medicine = list(ID = 3,
                                                          quality = "poor",
                                                          calories = 55)))))

我試圖將其分解為更小的步驟並使用循環來執行此操作,但是我對lists經驗很少,並且遇到了很多錯誤。 任何想法如何以有效和可讀的方式解決這個問題? 下面是我嘗試匹配fruits眾多嘗試之一。 我知道該字段不匹配,我只是想讓循環運行...

for (i in seq_len(nrow(garden))){
  if (garden$fruit[i] == productFruit$type){
    garden$calories = productFruit$type[[i]]$ID
  garden$calories = "error"


    fruit = c("Apple", "Kiwi", "Banana", "Orange", "Blueberry")
    usage = c("cooking", "cooking", "NA", "drinking", "medicine")
    reported = c(200, 500, 77, 520, 303)
    calories = c("usage out of scope", "fruit out of scope", "erroneous data", 800, "fruit out of scope")

garden_with_calories <- cbind(fruit, usage, reported, calories)
garden_with_calories <- as.data.table(garden)


對於大型數據集,不建議使用for循環。 以下代碼是替代方案

步驟 1 檢查產品列表中是否存在水果

fruitExist <- fruit %in% names(productFruit$type)  

Step 2 針對每個水果,檢查產品列表中是否存在相應的用法

usageExist <- sapply(fruit, function(f){
  sapply(usage, `%in%`, x = names(productFruit$type[[f]][["usage"]]))})
usageExist <- as.data.frame(unique(sapply(usageExist[sapply(usageExist, is.logical)], colSums)))
usageExist$usage <- row.names(usageExist)

步驟 3 提取卡路里

calories <-  data.frame(unique(
                  sapply(fruit, function(f){
                    sapply(usage, function(u){productFruit$type[[f]][["usage"]][[u]][["calories"]]})}

calories <- unlist(as.data.frame(unique(
  sapply(fruit, function(f){
    sapply(usage, function(u){productFruit$type[[f]][["usage"]][[u]][["calories"]]})}

calories <- as.data.frame(calories)
names(calories) <- "cal"
calories$fruitUsage <- row.names(calories)

第 4 步合並並完成


garden %>%
  mutate(fruitExist = fruitExist) %>%
  left_join(usageExist %>% pivot_longer(-usage, names_to = "fruit", values_to = "usageExist")) %>%
  left_join(calories %>% separate(fruitUsage, c("fruit","usage"))) %>%
  mutate(calories = case_when(
    fruit == "NA" | usage == "NA" ~ "erroneous data",
    usageExist == FALSE ~ "usage out of scope",
    fruitExist == FALSE ~ "fruit out of scope",
    TRUE ~ as.character(cal))) %>%
  select(fruit, usage, reported, calories)



#       fruit    usage reported           calories
# 1     Apple  cooking      200 usage out of scope
# 2      Kiwi  cooking      500 fruit out of scope
# 3    Banana       NA       77     erroneous data
# 4    Orange drinking      520                800
# 5 Blueberry medicine      303 fruit out of scope



cal <- as.character()

for(i in 1:length(fruit)){
  fruitName <- fruit[i]
  usageName <- usage[i]

  if(fruitName == "NA" | usageName == "NA") {
    out <- "erroneous data"
  } else if(!(fruitName %in% names(productFruit[["type"]]))){
    out <- "fruit out of scope"
  } else if(!(usageName %in% names(productFruit[["type"]][[fruitName]][["usage"]]))){
    out <- "usage out of scope"
  } else {
    out <- productFruit[["type"]][[fruitName]][["usage"]][[usageName]][["calories"]]

  cal <- c(cal, out)

garden$calories <- cal

#        fruit    usage reported           calories
# 1:     Apple  cooking      200 usage out of scope
# 2:      Kiwi  cooking      500 fruit out of scope
# 3:    Banana       NA       77     erroneous data
# 4:    Orange drinking      520                800
# 5: Blueberry medicine      303 fruit out of scope

從嵌套列表中提取數據可能非常乏味。 以下是一些適用於您提供的示例的代碼,但如果您的條目與示例數據不同,可能仍然會遇到困難。 您可能必須使其更加健壯並檢查數據是否具有您期望的class等。




# this creates a tibble with a column for each usage entry (eating, drinking,
# etc.)
type_df <- as.tibble(productFruit$type[[1]]$usage)

# With map*() we apply as.tibble() to each column to get a one-row data frame
# per "usage" case. We use map_dfr() in order to bind togeter the resulting
# rows into one dataframe. This is the line that might need to be made more
# robust in order to not fail on unexpected input.)
res <- map_dfr(type_df, as.tibble, .id = "usage")

# When there is no usage entry, `res` will be empty and we create a dummy
# dataframe for that case that has `NA` for the "colories" column.
if (nrow(res) < 1)
  tibble(calories = NA)



extract_fruit_data <-
  function(fruit) {
    type_df <- as.tibble(fruit$usage)
    res <- map_dfr(type_df, as.tibble, .id = "usage")
    if (nrow(res) < 1)
      tibble(calories = NA)

第 3 步:

我們將extract_fruit_data應用於每個水果的條目,並使用map_dfr()將結果行綁定在一起。 然后我們刪除並重命名一些變量,為下一步做准備。

fruits_df <-
  map_dfr(productFruit$type, extract_fruit_data, .id = "type") %>%
  select(-ID, -quality) %>% 
  rename(fruit = type)


我們使用left_join()將兩個數據集連接left_join() ,這樣花園中的每個條目都會保留下來,而在fruits_df 中不匹配的條目在卡路里列中獲得NA 使用case_when()我們根據您的規格對每一列進行分類

left_join(garden, fruits_df) %>% 
  mutate(calories = case_when(
    usage == "NA" ~ "erroneous data",
    !fruit %in% fruits_df$fruit ~ "fruit out of scope",
    is.na(calories) ~ "usage out of scope",
    TRUE ~ as.character(calories)

我在Base R中制作了這段代碼,它只查找和報告實際存在的水果及其各自的用法。 我知道這不完全是你所要求的,但當我意識到這有點太晚了。 它與其他提議的解決方案截然不同。

FruitNames <- unlist(lapply(productFruit,names)[2])

UsageByFruit <- lapply(FruitNames, function(X) names(productFruit[["type"]][[X]][["usage"]]))
LengthByFruit<- lapply(UsageByFruit, length)

gardenlength <- sum(unlist(LengthByFruit))
garden <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=3,nrow=gardenlength, dimnames=list(NULL, c("Fruit", "Usage", "Calories"))))

garden[,2] <- unlist(UsageByFruit)
garden[,1] <- unlist(lapply(1:length(FruitNames), function(X) replicate(LengthByFruit[[X]],FruitNames[X])))
garden[,3] <- unlist(lapply(1:length(FruitNames), function(X) unlist(lapply(unlist(UsageByFruit[X]), function(Y) productFruit[["type"]][[FruitNames[X]]][["usage"]][[Y]][["calories"]]  ))))


> garden
   Fruit    Usage Calories
1  Apple   eating      500
2  Apple medicine      300
3 Orange   eating      420
4 Orange  cooking      600
5 Orange drinking      800
6 Orange medicine        0
7 Banana  cooking       49
8 Banana drinking       11
9 Banana medicine       55


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