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C# 中帶有重試邏輯的 Parallel.ForEach 循環

[英]Parallel.ForEach Loop with Retry Logic in C#

我正在使用Parallel.ForEach將 C# 中的多個文件從谷歌存儲桶下載到文件夾位置。 我正在使用重試邏輯,因此它可以重試下載文件,以防下載過程中文件下載失敗。 如何為Parallel.ForEach循環中的每個文件或每個線程應用重試邏輯。

Parallel.ForEach(listFiles, objectName =>            
    retryCount = 0;                        
    downloadSuccess = false;
    bucketFileName = Path.GetFileName(objectName.Name);
    guidFolderPath = tempFolderLocation + "\\" + bucketFileName;

    while (retryCount < retryCountInput && downloadSuccess == false)
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(guidFolderPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write);
            using (fs)
                storage.DownloadObjectAsync(bucketName, objectName.Name, fs, option, cancellationToken, progress).Wait();
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception occured while downloading file: " + ex.ToString());                   
            Thread.Sleep(RetryInterval(retryCount, minBackoffTimeSpan, maxBackoffTimeSpan, deltaBackoffTimeSpan));


我會將其更改為任務並使用異步。 這樣你的 Thread.Sleep 不會阻塞線程池線程。 Parallel.ForEach 用於 CPU 密集型工作。

類似於:(如果沒有您的代碼的 rest,我將無法編譯/測試它)

int retryCountInput = 5;
var tasks = new List<Task>();

foreach (var file in listFiles)
    var task = Task.Run(async () =>
        // make it local
        int retryCount = 0;
        string bucketFileName = Path.GetFileName(objectName.Name);
        string guidFolderPath = tempFolderLocation + "\\" + bucketFileName;

        while (retryCount < retryCountInput)
                using (var fs = new FileStream(guidFolderPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write))
                    // Use await here, instead of `Wait()` so this threadpool thread
                    // can be used for other tasks.
                    await storage.DownloadObjectAsync(bucketName, objectName.Name, fs, option, cancellationToken, progress);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occured while downloading file: " + ex.ToString());

                // Use Task.Delay here, so this thread is 'released'
                await Task.Delay(RetryInterval(retryCount, minBackoffTimeSpan, maxBackoffTimeSpan, deltaBackoffTimeSpan));
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

我已經修改了我的代碼並刪除了Parallel.ForEach ,而是使用foreach循環來遍歷文件。 但是現在,我無法在下載路徑中找到所有文件,盡管日志顯示所有文件都已下載。 下載路徑中下載文件的數量發生了變化,這種行為似乎是隨機的。 我可以使用Task.Run進行 I/O 操作嗎?

var tasks = new List<Task>();
foreach (var objectName in listFiles)
    var task = Task.Run(() =>
        downloadSuccess = false;
        bucketFileName = Path.GetFileName(objectName.Name);
        guidFolderPath = tempFolderLocation + "\\" + bucketFileName;

        var maxRetryAttempts = 3;
        var pauseBetweenFailures = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);
        RetryHelper.RetryOnException(maxRetryAttempts, pauseBetweenFailures, async () =>
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(guidFolderPath, FileMode.Create,
                FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write);
            using (fs)
                var progress = new Progress<IDownloadProgress>(
                    p =>
                        DownloadProgress(p, retryCount, objectName.Name);

                await client.DownloadObjectAsync(bucketName, objectName.Name,
                    fs, option, cancellationToken.Token, progress);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks);


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