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[英]Two generic types have direct connection, how to avoid repeated input?

public interface IService<T> where  T : IComparable<T> { }
public class CommonController<S, T> where S : IService<T>, new() where T : IComparable<T> { }

public class CustomerService : IService<int> { }

// Correct
public class CustomerController : CommonController<CustomerService, int> { }

// Confict, from CustomerService, T is int, but the second type is long
public class CustomerController : CommonController<CustomerService, long> { }

很明顯可以從 CustomerService 中猜出第二種類型“int”。 是否可以刪除第二個泛型類型以及如何刪除?


public static class Foo<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    public interface IService { }
    public class CommonController<S> where S : IService, new() { }
    public class CustomerService : IService { }
    public class CustomerController : CommonController<CustomerService> { }

但是,如果您需要在Foo<T>之外定義CustomerServiceCustomerController ,那么您基本上會回到第一方。

public static class Foo<T> where T : IComparable<T>
    public interface IService { }
    public class CommonController<S> where S : IService, new() { }

public class CustomerService : Foo<int>.IService { }

public class CustomerController : Foo<int>.CommonController<CustomerService> { }



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