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[英]C# Casting and Generics


我想做的是,而不是使用if,else語句(根據我要支持的類型,它可能會很大)只是具有通用類型轉換,但我無法使其正常工作。 我試圖在DoSomething_HelpMe()方法中對此進行演示。

無論如何要實現這一目標? 任何幫助是極大的贊賞。

public interface ITag
    string TagName { get; }
    Type Type { get; }

public interface ITag<T> : ITag
    T InMemValue { get; set; }
    T OnDiscValue { get; set; }

public class Tag<T> : ITag<T>
    public Tag(string tagName)
        TagName = tagName;

    public string TagName { get; private set; }
    public T InMemValue { get; set; }
    public T OnDiscValue { get; set; }
    public Type Type{ get{ return typeof(T);} }

public class MusicTrack
    public MusicTrack()
        TrackTitle = new Tag<string>("TrackTitle");
        TrackNumber = new Tag<int>("TrackNumber");

        Tags = new Dictionary<string, ITag>();
        Tags.Add(TrackTitle.TagName, TrackTitle);
        Tags.Add(TrackNumber.TagName, TrackNumber);

    public IDictionary<string,ITag> Tags;

    public ITag<string> TrackTitle { get; set; }
    public ITag<int> TrackNumber { get; set; }

public static class Main
    public static void DoSomething_WorksButNotIdeal()
        MusicTrack track1 = new MusicTrack();
        MusicTrack track2 = new MusicTrack();

        // Set some values on the tracks

        foreach (ITag tag in track1.Tags.Values)
            Type type = tag.Type;

            if (type == typeof(string))
                ((ITag<string>) tag).InMemValue = ((ITag<string>)track2.Tags[tag.TagName]).OnDiscValue;
            else if (type == typeof(int))
                ((ITag<int>)tag).InMemValue = ((ITag<int>)track2.Tags[tag.TagName]).OnDiscValue;
            else if (type == typeof(bool))
                ((ITag<bool>)tag).InMemValue = ((ITag<bool>)track2.Tags[tag.TagName]).OnDiscValue;
            // etc etc
                throw new Exception("Unsupported type.");

    public static void DoSomething_HelpMe()
        MusicTrack track1 = new MusicTrack();
        MusicTrack track2 = new MusicTrack();

        // Set some values on the tracks

        foreach (ITag tag in track1.Tags.Values)
            Type type = tag.Type;

            ((ITag<typeof(type)>)tag).InMemValue = ((ITag<typeof(type)>)track2.Tags[tag.TagName]).OnDiscValue;


public interface ITag
    string TagName { get; }
    Type Type { get; }
    object InMemValue { get; set; }
    object OnDiscValue { get; set; }


public interface ITag<T> : ITag
    new T InMemValue { get; set; }
    new T OnDiscValue { get; set; }

然后,您的方法可以只使用ITag 您需要類似(int Tag<T> )的東西:

object ITag.InMemValue
    get { return InMemValue; }
    set { InMemValue = (T)value; }
object ITag.OnDiscValue
    get { return OnDiscValue; }
    set { OnDiscValue = (T)value; }



void CopyValueFrom(ITag tag);


您的具體實現( Tag<T> )必須假定ITag實際上是ITag<T>並進行ITag<T>

public void CopyFromTag(ITag tag) {
    ITag<T> from = tag as ITag<T>;
    if(from==null) throw new ArgumentException("tag");
    this.TheFirstProperty = from.TheSecondProperty;


public interface ITag
    void CopyFrom(bool sourceIsMem, ITag sourceTag, bool targetIsMem);

public class Tag<T> : ITag<T>
    public void CopyFrom(bool sourceIsMem, ITag sourceTag, bool targetIsMem)
        ITag<T> castSource = sourceTag as ITag<T>;
        if (castSource == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(
                "Source tag is of an incompatible type", "sourceTag");

        if (targetIsMem)
            InMemValue = sourceIsMem ?
                castSource.InMemValue : castSource.OnDiscValue;
            OnDiscValue = sourceIsMem ?
                castSource.InMemValue : castSource.OnDiscValue;



public static void DoSomething_HelpMe()
    MusicTrack track1 = new MusicTrack();
    MusicTrack track2 = new MusicTrack();

    // Set some values on the tracks
    foreach (ITag tag in track1.Tags.Values)
        tag.CopyFrom(false, track2.Tags[tag.TagName], true);

這是一種方法,它需要大量樣板文件,但允許您使用ITagITag<T>Tag<T>現有定義來ITag ITag<T> TagSetter類以任何類型的ITag<T>的類型安全方式從磁盤上的值設置內存中的值。

/// <summary>
/// Allows a tag of any type to be used to get a result of type TResult
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TResult">The result type after using the tag</typeparam>
public interface ITagUser<TResult>
    TResult Use<T>(ITag<T> tag);

/// <summary>
/// Allows a tag of any type to be used (with no return value)
/// </summary>
public interface ITagUser
    void Use<T>(ITag<T> tag);

/// <summary>
/// Wraps a tag of some unknown type.  Allows tag users (either with or without return values) to use the wrapped list.
/// </summary>
public interface IExistsTag
    TResult Apply<TResult>(ITagUser<TResult> user);
    void Apply(ITagUser user);

/// <summary>
/// Wraps a tag of type T, hiding the type itself.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type of element contained in the tag</typeparam>
class ExistsTag<T> : IExistsTag

    ITag<T> tag;

    public ExistsTag(ITag<T> tag)
        this.tag = tag;

    #region IExistsTag Members

    public TResult Apply<TResult>(ITagUser<TResult> user)
        return user.Use(tag);

    public void Apply(ITagUser user)


public interface ITag
    string TagName { get; }
    Type Type { get; }

public interface ITag<T> : ITag
    T InMemValue { get; set; }
    T OnDiscValue { get; set; }

public class Tag<T> : ITag<T>
    public Tag(string tagName)
        TagName = tagName;

    public string TagName { get; private set; }
    public T InMemValue { get; set; }
    public T OnDiscValue { get; set; }
    public Type Type { get { return typeof(T); } }

public class TagSetter : ITagUser
    #region ITagUser Members

    public void Use<T>(ITag<T> tag)
        tag.InMemValue = tag.OnDiscValue;


public class TagExtractor : ITagUser<ITag>
    #region ITagUser<ITag> Members

    public ITag Use<T>(ITag<T> tag)
        return tag;


public class MusicTrack
    public MusicTrack()
        TrackTitle = new Tag<string>("TrackTitle");
        TrackNumber = new Tag<int>("TrackNumber");

        Tags = new Dictionary<string, IExistsTag>();
        Tags.Add(TrackTitle.TagName, new ExistsTag<string>(TrackTitle));
        Tags.Add(TrackNumber.TagName, new ExistsTag<int>(TrackNumber));

    public IDictionary<string, IExistsTag> Tags;

    public ITag<string> TrackTitle { get; set; }
    public ITag<int> TrackNumber { get; set; }

public static class Main
    public static void DoSomething_WorksButNotIdeal()
        MusicTrack track1 = new MusicTrack();
        MusicTrack track2 = new MusicTrack();

        TagSetter setter = new TagSetter();
        TagExtractor extractor = new TagExtractor();

        // Set some values on the tracks

        foreach (IExistsTag tag in track1.Tags.Values)

            // do stuff using base interface if necessary
            ITag itag = tag.Apply(extractor);



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