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多個型號在一個視圖中 ASP.net 內核與 EF 內核

[英]Serveral models in one view ASP.net core with EF core

我想使用 ASP.net Core 3.1 和 EF Core 3 在數據庫中創建一個包含兩個表和一個數據圖表的儀表板。

這位老師model class:

public class Teacher
    public Int64 ID { get; set; }

    public Sring Name { get; set; }

    public  int Age { get; set; }


這是課程 model class:

 public class Course
    public Int64 ID { get; set; }

    public Sring Name { get; set; }

    public Sring TargetClass { get; set; }

ViewModel class 如下:

public class DashboardViewModel

    public List<Course> Course { get; set; }
    public List<Teacher> Teacher { get; set; }


    <h2> Table of Teacher</h2>
            <th> ID</th>
            <th> Name</th>
            <th> Age</th>
        @foreach (Teacher item in Model.Teacher)


<h2> Table of Courses</h2>
            <th> ID</th>
            <th> Name</th>
            <th> TargetClass</th>
        @foreach (Teacher item in Model.Course)



    public class HomeController : Controller

    private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context;

    public HomeController(ApplicationDbContext context)
        _context = context;

   public  async Task<IActionResult> Index() 
        var qry =  await _context.Teacher.ToListAsync();

        var Teachers = new List<Teacher>(){};

        var Courses = new List<Courses>() { };

        var Dash = new DashboardViewModel {

        Course = Courses,
        Teacher = Teachers

        return View(Dash);

嘗試將數據從 qry 變量傳遞到列表時出現問題。 問題:如何將數據從 EF 傳遞到教師列表作為示例?

        var qry =  _context.Teacher.ToListAsync();

        var Teachers = new List<Teacher>(){qry};

沒有轉換錯誤:無法從'System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Collections.Generic.List<School.Models.Teacher>>' to 'School.Models.Teacher'

我不能在評論中這樣做,所以我會把它放在這里,然后如果它不太正確,我可以修改答案。 您無需事先創建空列表,只需一次性創建 ViewModel。 正如我認為 jegtugado 試圖建議的那樣,Index() 代碼應該類似於:

   public  async Task<IActionResult> Index() 
        var Dash = new DashboardViewModel {
            Course = await _context.Course.ToListAsync(),
            Teacher = await _context.Teacher.ToListAsync()

        return View(Dash);

這是假設您的 DbSet 被稱為教師和課程(但這些通常是復數,所以請仔細檢查)。


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