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使用 C# 讀取 MongoDB 中的字段值

[英]Reading field's value in MongoDB with C#

我有 Mongo 數據庫。 我需要 output 字段的值在我的集合中,但我只能 output 文檔。 我需要 output doc.Name、doc.Email 和 doc.Password。 謝謝!

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var dbClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://");
        IMongoDatabase db = dbClient.GetDatabase("Authentication");
        string[] testlit;
        var cars = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Accounts");
        var documents = cars.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToList();
        foreach (BsonDocument doc in documents)


var dbClient = new MongoClient("mongodb://");
IMongoDatabase db = dbClient.GetDatabase("Authentication");
var accounts = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("Accounts");
//accounts.InsertOne(new BsonDocument(new Dictionary<string, object>
//    ["Name"] = "Name of account", ["Email"] = "myemail@account.com",
//    ["Password"] = "don't ever do that to me. I hope this is a hash...",
//    ["SomeOtherField"] = "don't need it"
var projection = Builders<BsonDocument>.Projection.Include("Name").Include("Email").Include("Password").Exclude("_id");
var documents = accounts.Find(new BsonDocument()).Project(projection).ToList();
foreach (BsonDocument doc in documents)
    Console.WriteLine($"Name: {doc.GetValue("Name")}\nEmail: {doc.GetValue("Email")}\nPassword: {doc.GetValue("Password")}");
    //Name: Name of account
    //Email: myemail @account.com
    //Password: don't ever do that to me. I hope this is a hash...

通過投影,字段在數據庫中包含/排除。 更少的數據傳輸。 如果您稍后需要這些值,請忽略projection部分。 您可以使用doc.GetValue擁有您的字段。


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