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[英]Creating filtered datasets from multiple data frames

我想創建基於多個數據框的過濾數據集(數據框彼此不同,因為主題不同)。 對於每個 dataframe 我需要根據一些關鍵詞過濾行。 例如,對於第一個 dataframe,我只需要包含某些單詞的行(例如MichaelAndrew ); 對於第二個 dataframe 我只需要包含單詞Laura的行,依此類推。



Names Surnames
Michael Connelly
John    Smith
Andrew   Star
Laura   Parker


Names Surnames
Laura  Bistro
Lisa    Roberts
Luke    Gary
Norman  Loren


for i in range(0,1): # I have more than 50 data frames, but I am considering only two for this example
    key_words = [] 

    while True:
        key_word = input("Key word : ")

        if key_word!='0':
            dataframe[str(i)].Filter= dataframe[str(i)]..str.contains('|'.join(key_word), case=False, regex=True) # Creates a new column where with boolean values
            dataframe[str(i)].loc[dataframe[str(i)].Filter != False]

            filtered=dataframe[str(i)][dataframe[str(i)]. Filter != False] # Create a dataframe/dataset with only filtered rows
            filtered_surnames=filtered['Names'].tolist() # this should select only the column called Names, existing in each dataframe, just for analysing them

預期 output:


Names Surnames  Filter
Michael Connelly 1
John    Smith    0
Andrew   Star    1
Laura   Parker   0


Names Surnames   Filter
Laura  Bistro     1
Lisa    Roberts   0
Luke    Gary      0
Norman  Loren     0

然后,過濾后的數據集應分別有 2 行和 1 行。


Names Surnames  Filter
Michael Connelly 1
Andrew   Star    1


Names Surnames   Filter
Laura  Bistro     1

但是,我的代碼中過濾的代碼行似乎是錯誤的。 你能看看他們,讓我知道錯誤在哪里嗎?

list_key_words = []
# BUG 1: range(first index included, last index excluded), to get 1 you need range(0, 2)
for i in range(0,2): # I have more than 50 data frames, but I am considering only two for this example
    key_words = [] 

    while True:
        key_word = input("Key word : ")

        if key_word!='0':

            # BUG 2.1: you can't apply ".str.contains" to an entire row, you need to indicate the column by name, e.g. "Names". 
            # If you want to test all the columns, you need multiple filter columns which you OR at the end
            # BUG 2.2: You can't create a column using ".Filter", it needs to be "["Filter"]"
            dataframe[str(i)]["Filter"]=dataframe[str(i)]["Names"].str.contains(key_word, case=False, regex=True) # Creates a new column where with boolean values

            #BUG 3: this line does nothing
            dataframe[str(i)].loc[dataframe[str(i)].Filter != False]

            #BUG 5: You need a way to save these or they will be overwritten each time
            filtered=dataframe[str(i)][dataframe[str(i)]. Filter != False] # Create a dataframe/dataset with only filtered rows
            filtered_surnames=filtered['Names'].tolist() # this should select only the column called Names, existing in each dataframe, just for analysing them

        #BUG 6: you need to actually leave the "while True" loop at some point

有關修復的注釋在代碼中。 最大的問題是錯誤 2.1,您不能一次將正則表達式應用於行中的所有字段。 如果要檢查所有字段,可以為每個字段創建新的過濾器列,並使用df["Filter 1"] | df ["Filter 2"]...重新組合 df["Filter 1"] | df ["Filter 2"]...最后是 boolean 邏輯。

盡可能避免在 dataframe 中創建循環,因為 pandas 和 numpy 為許多常見案例問題提供了矢量化(更快)方法。 下面的解決方案將搜索詞與相應的數據框配對,進行搜索,並將結果整理到一個coll列表中。

#create lists of words per df u need

coll = []
#pair lists with dfs
for df,name in zip([df1,df2],(list1,list2)):
    df['Extract'] = np.where(df.Names.str.contains('|'.join(name)),


   Names    Surnames    Extract
0   Michael Connelly    1
1   John    Smith       0
2   Andrew  Star        1
3   Laura   Parker      0


   Names    Surnames    Extract
0   Laura   Bistro        1
1   Lisa    Roberts       0
2   Luke    Gary          0
3   Norman  Loren         0


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