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如何在 jsonb 列中獲取參數

[英]How can i fetch a parameter in jsonb column


| id         | reciever                                     
| (bigint)   |(jsonb)                                      
|    1       | {"name":"ABC","email":"abc@gmail.com"}
|    2       | {"name":"DEF","email":"deef@gmail.com"}

如何獲取name where id = 1

output 將是這樣的

| id         | name                                     
|    1       | ABC

使用->> 運算符

select id, receiver ->> 'name' as name
from the_table
where id = 1;
select id, receiver->'name'
from mytable
where id = 1

Check out other JSON operators and functions on the postgres documentation https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/functions-json.html


SELECT id, receiver->>'name' AS name
FROM mytable
WHERE id = 1;

->>運算符通過給定的鍵名從 JSON 數據中獲取文本值。


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