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[英]What is 'this' keyword in .cshtml file and how to use .cshtml code in a .js file

有人可以讓我知道“this”關鍵字在這里做什么以及這個 self.model.get() 方法是什么嗎? 我想將下面的代碼行用於 a.js 文件中的“assc”變量。 我怎樣才能做到這一點?

    //var assc = _.find(self.model.get("associations"), { "associationName": data.associationName });

    //below is a .cshtml file code snippet

    function AssociationsViewModel(associations) 
        var self = this; 
        var ListPageSize = 5;
        var associationInstancesPageSize = 6;
        var currentAssociation = null;

    self.onAddAssociationClicked = function (eventArgs, data) 
      var assc = _.find(self.model.get("associations"), { "associationName": data.associationName });
            if (assc) 
                if (assc.isAddNewEnabled) 
                    addInstanceToAssociation(self.model, assc);

this keyword is for containing class, here this class is stored in a variable self, and when you are trying to do self.get It is calling get method on containing class of the function.

在 javascript 或 typescript 中,這樣做是為了分離對包含 class 的訪問,有時這可以引用 Z05B8C74CBD96FBF2DE4C1A352Z70


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