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當傳遞到視圖中的 ObservedObject 更新時,SwiftUI 不會更新?

[英]When an ObservedObject passed into a view is updated, the SwiftUI doesn't update?

我有一個名為 SearchResults 的視圖。 每當傳入的 ObservedObject 發生更改時,它都應該更新,但是 View 沒有使用新值更新,我不知道為什么。

import SwiftUI

struct SearchResults: View {
    @ObservedObject var VModel: ViewModel
    var body: some view {
        List {
            ForEach(self.VModel.searchResults, id: \.self) { result in 

class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
    @Published var searchResults: [String] = []

    func findResults() {
        //Do the update to 'searchResults' here
        //This function is called at another point in the code in a pretty big file...I think it might make it more confusing to have like a couple hundred more lines of code in here

旁注:VModel 有一個類型為 [String] 的數組,稱為 searchResults,我認為這個視圖應該在 searchResults 數組更新時更新..?

對不起大家的困惑,顯然我真的很愚蠢。 我正在創建一個新的 ViewModel() 實例,而不是傳入 ContentView 中聲明的實例


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