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如何在 2 次嘗試后更改用戶看到的消息

[英]How to alter the message the user is seeing after 2 attempts


如何在 2 次嘗試后更改用戶看到的消息? 如果用戶鍵入“right”兩次,則消息應該是“想一想?你在失落的森林 Go 左邊還是右邊?”

n = input("You are in the Lost Forest Go left or right? ")
while n == "right" or n == "Right":
    n = input("You are in the Lost Forest Go left or right? ")
print("You got out of the Lost Forest! \o/")


go_right = 0 # 0 means that the user havent go to right

n = input("You are in the Lost Forest Go left or right? ")

while n == "right" or n == "Right":
    if n.lower() == "right":
        go_right += 1

    if go_right > 1: # If the user have go to right for 2 times, then...
        n = input("Think harder! You are in the Lost Forest Go left or right? ")
        go_right = 0 # Resets the variable
        n = input("You are in the Lost Forest Go left or right? ")

print("You got out of the Lost Forest! \o/")


msg = "You are in the Lost Forest Go left or right? "
msg2 = "Think harder! You are in the Lost Forest Go left or right? "
repeated = 0

n = input(msg).lower()
while n == "right":
    repeated += 1
    n = input(msg2 if repeated>=2 else msg).lower()
    if repeated >= 2: repeated = 0

print("You got out of the Lost Forest! \o/")



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