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[英]meeting can not be found in the calendar of organizer

我正在嘗試使用 ical4j 1.0.4 和 javax mail 1.5.0 庫發送 outlook 會議邀請(Outlook 版本 2013)。

我關注了這篇文章 - 如何使用 Java 郵件發送 iCal 會議請求,並收到回復,我能夠發送 outlook 會議邀請。

如果我從我的 email id 向自己發送會議邀請,我會收到該活動,但它顯示“在日歷中找不到會議”。



如果您想在組織者日歷中創建會議,我建議您從基於 Java 的應用程序中自動化 Outlook。 您可以考慮使用 Ole 自動化技術來自動化 Outlook,例如:

import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OLE;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleFrame;
import org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.Variant;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;

public class OutlookMail {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void sendEMail() {
        Display display = new Display();
        Shell shell = new Shell(display);
        OleFrame frame = new OleFrame(shell, SWT.NONE);

        // This should start outlook if it is not running yet
//      OleClientSite site = new OleClientSite(frame, SWT.NONE, "OVCtl.OVCtl");

        // Now get the outlook application
        OleClientSite site2 = new OleClientSite(frame, SWT.NONE, "Outlook.Application");
        OleAutomation outlook = new OleAutomation(site2);

        OleAutomation mail = invoke(outlook, "CreateItem", 0 /* Mail item */).getAutomation();

        setProperty(mail, "BodyFormat", 2 /* HTML */);
        setProperty(mail, "Subject", "My test subject");
//      setProperty(mail, "From", "my@sender.org");
        setProperty(mail, "To", "<John Doe> my@recipient.org");
        setProperty(mail, "HtmlBody", "<html><body>This is an <b>HTML</b> test body.</body></html>");

//      if (null != attachmentPaths) {
//          for (String attachmentPath : attachmentPaths) {
//              File file = new File(attachmentPath);
//              if (file.exists()) {
//                  OleAutomation attachments = getProperty(mail, "Attachments");
//                  invoke(attachments, "Add", attachmentPath);
//              }
//          }
//      }

        invoke(mail, "Display" /* or "Send" */);


    private static OleAutomation getProperty(OleAutomation auto, String name) {
        Variant varResult = auto.getProperty(property(auto, name));
        if (varResult != null && varResult.getType() != OLE.VT_EMPTY) {
            OleAutomation result = varResult.getAutomation();
            return result;
        return null;

    private static Variant invoke(OleAutomation auto, String command,
            String value) {
        return auto.invoke(property(auto, command),
                new Variant[] { new Variant(value) });

    private static Variant invoke(OleAutomation auto, String command) {
        return auto.invoke(property(auto, command));

    private static Variant invoke(OleAutomation auto, String command, int value) {
        return auto.invoke(property(auto, command),
                new Variant[] { new Variant(value) });

    private static boolean setProperty(OleAutomation auto, String name,
            String value) {
        return auto.setProperty(property(auto, name), new Variant(value));

    private static boolean setProperty(OleAutomation auto, String name,
            int value) {
        return auto.setProperty(property(auto, name), new Variant(value));

    private static int property(OleAutomation auto, String name) {
        return auto.getIDsOfNames(new String[] { name })[0];

有關詳細信息,請參閱如何在 Outlook 中創建電子郵件並使其對用戶可見

來自 Outlook object model 的屬性和方法調用順序可以在以下文章中找到:


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