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Laravel 測驗存儲正確答案

[英]Laravel Quiz Storing The correct answers

我對 Laravel陌生,所以我有一個做測驗的項目。 目前,我實現了將帶有無線電答案的問題存儲在數據庫中,但我不知道如何:

1) 在 web 頁面上顯示所有帶有答案的問題。

2) 為用戶存儲每個正確答案的分數。

更新:感謝ettdro ,我已經解決了我的第一個問題。 只剩下我的第二個了。

我將不勝感激任何幫助。 我的Answer.php Model 現在是空的。 我的問題.php Model:

class Question extends Model
  // connect the models by adding a relationship to the Question model
  public function answers()
      return $this->hasMany(Answer::class);

我在Migration for Questionsfunction 是:

public function up()
        Schema::create('questions', function (Blueprint $table) {

我在Migration for Answersfunction 是:

public function up()
        Schema::create('answers', function (Blueprint $table) {
            // since answer is connected to the question


// for filling the tables
class QuestionAnswerSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void

    // truncating the tables and then store each question and its answers.
    public function run()
      $questionAndAnswers = $this->getData();

      $questionAndAnswers->each(function ($question) {
          $createdQuestion = Question::create([
              'text' => $question['question'],
              'points' => $question['points'],

          collect($question['answers'])->each(function ($answer) use ($createdQuestion) {
                  'question_id' => $createdQuestion->id,
                  'text' => $answer['text'],
                  'correct_one' => $answer['correct_one'],

    // for the actual data, I use a separate getData method to keep it cleaner
    // in this method, I return a big collection with all the questions and answers
    private function getData()
        return collect([
                'question' => 'When did the World War 2 end?',
                'points' => '1',
                'answers' => [
                    ['text' => '1939', 'correct_one' => false],
                    ['text' => '1941', 'correct_one' => false],
                    ['text' => '1945', 'correct_one' => true],
                'question' => 'Who discovered America?',
                'points' => '1',
                'answers' => [
                    ['text' => 'Adolf Hitler', 'correct_one' => false],
                    ['text' => 'Napoleon Bonaparte', 'correct_one' => false],
                    ['text' => 'Christopher Columbus', 'correct_one' => true],


  * In this function, you need to get all the data you want to pass to your view
  *  and send it to the compact function in the return statement.
public function index() {
    // This will return a collection of questions including their answers.
    $questionsCollection = Question::all();
    return view('myquestionsview', compact('questionsCollection'));

接下來,由於您在索引 function 中返回了myquestionsview ,因此您將需要一個名為myquestionsview.blade.php的文件位於views文件夾中。


@foreach ($questions as $question)
    {{ $question->text }}
    // Now, we want to display each answers of the question.
    @foreach ($question->answers as $answer)
        {{ $answer->text }}



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