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C# class 可以從自己的實現中調用接口的默認接口方法嗎?

[英]Can a C# class call an interface's default interface method from its own implementation?


public interface IGreeter
    void SayHello(string name) => System.Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name}!");


public class HappyGreeter : IGreeter
    public void SayHello(string name)
        // what can I put here to call the default method?
        System.Console.WriteLine("I hope you're doing great!!");


var greeter = new HappyGreeter() as IGreeter;


// Hello Pippy!
// I hope you're doing great!!

實際上,從實現 class 調用 C# 接口默認方法表明我可以調用我的 class未實現的方法,但正如預期的那樣,添加對((IGreeter)this).SayHello(name); HappyGreeter.SaysHello內部會導致堆棧溢出。

據我所知,您不能在繼承 class 時調用默認接口方法實現(盡管有建議)。 但是你可以從繼承接口調用它:

public class HappyGreeter : IGreeter
    private interface IWorkAround : IGreeter
        public void SayHello(string name)
            (this as IGreeter).SayHello(name);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I hope you're doing great!!");

    private class WorkAround : IWorkAround {}

    public void SayHello(string name)
        ((IWorkAround)new WorkAround()).SayHello(name);


在我最初的答案中,我非常想表明您可以在繼承接口中調用base ,但正如@Alexei Levenkov在評論中建議的那樣,在這種特殊情況下,更簡潔的方式將是這樣的:

public class HappyGreeter : IGreeter
    private class WorkAround : IGreeter { }
    private static readonly IGreeter _workAround = new WorkAround();

    public void SayHello(string name)
        System.Console.WriteLine("I hope you're doing great!!");


public interface IGreeter
    void SayHello(string name) => BaseSayHello(name);

    // This static method can be used in implementers of "IGreeter"
    // to emulate "base" functionality.
    protected static void BaseSayHello(string name) => System.Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name}!");

public class HappyGreeter : IGreeter
    public void SayHello(string name)
        Console.WriteLine("I hope you're doing great!!");


  1. 將默認方法聲明為 static。 別擔心,您仍然可以在繼承自它的 class 中覆蓋它。
  2. 在調用 class 的 static 方法時,使用相同類型的語法調用默認方法,只需將接口名稱替換為 class 名稱即可。

此代碼適用於 C#8 或更高版本,如果針對 .NET 框架構建,它將不起作用。 我用 C#9 在 Windows 10 上運行它,在 .NET 6 上運行,預覽 5。


public interface IGreeter
   private static int DisplayCount = 0;
   public static void SayHello(string name)
      Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name}! This method has been called {DisplayCount} times.");

public class HappyGreeter : IGreeter
   public void SayHello(string name)
      // what can I put here to call the default method?
      Console.WriteLine("I hope you're doing great!!");

public class CS8NewFeatures
   // This class holds the code for the new C# 8 features.
   public void RunTests()

   private void TestGreeting()
      // Tests if a default method may be called after a class has implemented it.
      var hg = new HappyGreeter();

示例 Output:

Hello Pippy! This method has been called 1 times.
I hope you're doing great!!
Hello Bob! This method has been called 2 times.
I hope you're doing great!!
Hello Becky! This method has been called 3 times.
I hope you're doing great!!

Static 字段現在也允許在接口中,如本示例所示。

如果由於某種原因您不能使用 static 接口方法,那么您始終可以依賴以下技術:

  1. 將默認方法實現代碼放入單獨的 static 方法中。
  2. 從默認實現方法中調用此 static 方法。
  3. 在接口方法的 class 實現的頂部調用此 static 方法。


public class DefaultMethods
   // This class is used to show that a static method may be called by a default interface method.
   public static void SayHello(string name) => Console.WriteLine($"Hello {name}!");

public interface IGreeter
   void SayHello(string name) => DefaultMethods.SayHello(name);

public class HappyGreeter : IGreeter
   public void SayHello(string name)
      // what can I put here to call the default method?
      Console.WriteLine("I hope you're doing great!!");

public class CS8NewFeatures
   // This class holds the code for the new C# 8 features.
   public void RunTests()

   private void TestGreeting()
      // Tests if a default method may be called after a class has implemented it.
      var hg = new HappyGreeter();

樣品 Output:

Hello Bob!
I hope you're doing great!!


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