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閱讀 JSON - AWS Glue 作業(Python Shell)

[英]Read JSON - AWS Glue Job (Python Shell)

I have an JSON input coming into AWS Glue Job (python shell) from an Lambda function which I need to convert into pandas dataframe which will be consumed by the rest of the process.

輸入 JSON:

[{"ABC": "123", "CDE": "AB", "locations": [{"state": "FL", "city": "Orlando", "zip": "10001"}]}, 
 {"ABC": "456", "CDE": "CD", "locations": [{"state": "AL", "city": "AnotherCity"}]}]

Output Dataframe:

ABC CDE locations_state locations_city locations_Zip
123 AB  FL              Orlando        10001
456 CD  AL              AnotherCity    Null

我嘗試使用下面的 json_normalize 但在膠水作業中 json normalize 無法識別。 任何其他輸入都會有所幫助。

df = pd.json_normalize(jsoninputstring, "locations", ['ABC','CDE'])


我遇到了同樣的問題。 當我檢查 AWS Glue Shell 作業中的 pandas 版本時,我使用的是 0.24.2,發布時最新版本是 1.1.4。

我如何簽入 AWS Glue 作業(Python Shell)


To get this same functionality in this older version of pandas: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.22.0/generated/pandas.io.json.json_normalize.html

import pandas as pd
df = pd.io.json.json_normalize(r.json())


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