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GStreamer GError to boost::system::error_code?

[英]GStreamer GError to boost::system::error_code?

尋找一種巧妙的方法來轉換 gstreamer/glib GError:

 struct GError { GQuark domain; gint code; gchar* message; };

到 boost::system::error_code。 通常,您可以創建一個類別並注冊一個枚舉來提升。 GStreamer 使用枚舉,但代碼以 int 形式返回。 GQuark 是一個類別。


GQuark 是一個類別。


誇克是字符串和 integer 標識符之間的關聯。 給定字符串或 Quark 標識符,可以檢索另一個。

這就像實習字符串,又名原子。 所以GQuark實際上代表了一個字符串,然后,您希望將其視為一個類別。 好吧。

類別為 static

出色地。 通常。 至少類別是具有全局 object 標識的 singleton。 因此,假設您靜態地知道期望的域,您可以為這些域創建類別。

Map 它們對域的文本表示使得最穩定的映射。



using boost::system::error_code;
using boost::system::error_condition;

enum class MyCoreError {
    failed,          // a general error which doesn't fit in any other category.  Make sure you add a custom message to the error call.
    too_lazy,        // do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code.
    not_implemented, // use this when you do not want to implement this functionality yet.
    state_change,    // used for state change errors.
    pad,             // used for pad-related errors.
    thread,          // used for thread-related errors.
    negotiation,     // used for negotiation-related errors.
    event,           // used for event-related errors.
    seek,            // used for seek-related errors.
    caps,            // used for caps-related errors.
    tag,             // used for negotiation-related errors.
    missing_plugin,  // used if a plugin is missing.
    clock,           // used for clock related errors.
    disabled,        // used if functionality has been disabled at compile time.
    num_errors,      // the number of core error types.

namespace boost::system { template<> struct is_error_code_enum<MyCoreError> : std::true_type {}; }

namespace detail {
    class my_core_category : public boost::system::error_category {
        const char* name() const noexcept override { 
            return g_quark_to_string(GST_CORE_ERROR);
        std::string message(int ev) const override {
          switch (static_cast<MyCoreError>(ev)) {
            case MyCoreError::failed: return "a general error which doesn't fit in any other category.  Make sure you add a custom message to the error call.";
            case MyCoreError::too_lazy: return "do not use this except as a placeholder for deciding where to go while developing code.";
            case MyCoreError::not_implemented: return "use this when you do not want to implement this functionality yet.";
            case MyCoreError::state_change: return "used for state change errors.";
            case MyCoreError::pad: return "used for pad-related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::thread: return "used for thread-related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::negotiation: return "used for negotiation-related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::event: return "used for event-related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::seek: return "used for seek-related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::caps: return "used for caps-related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::tag: return "used for negotiation-related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::missing_plugin: return "used if a plugin is missing.";
            case MyCoreError::clock: return "used for clock related errors.";
            case MyCoreError::disabled: return "used if functionality has been disabled at compile time.";
            case MyCoreError::num_errors: return "the number of core error types.";
            default: return "unknown core error";
        error_condition default_error_condition(int ev) const noexcept override {
            return error_condition{ ev, *this };
        bool equivalent(int ev, error_condition const& condition) const noexcept override {
            return condition.value() == ev && &condition.category() == this;
        bool equivalent(error_code const& error, int ev) const noexcept override {
            return error.value() == ev && &error.category() == this;
error_code make_error_code(MyCoreError se)
    static detail::my_core_category const cat{};
    return error_code{static_cast<std::underlying_type<MyCoreError>::type>(se), cat};


auto code = MyCoreError::missing_plugin;
throw boost::system::system_error(make_error_code(code));



對於從 API 錯誤翻譯的一般情況:

boost::system::error_code make_error_code(GError const& err) {
    if (err.domain == GST_CORE_ERROR) {
        return make_error_code(MyCoreError(err.code));
    if (err.domain == GST_LIBRARY_ERROR) {
        return make_error_code(MyLibraryError(err.code));
    if (err.domain == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR) {
        return make_error_code(MyResourceError(err.code));
    if (err.domain == GST_STREAM_ERROR) {
        return make_error_code(MyStreamError(err.code));
    // decide on how to represent unknown errors? Just throw, or translate into
    // MyCoreError::failed?


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