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如何簡化過濾后的 iqueryable 日期 linq 表達式?

[英]How to simplify filtered iqueryable date linq expression?

我嘗試從數據庫過濾變量IQueryable<MyType> itemsFiltered中的日期:

itemsFiltered = itemsFiltered.Where(i => i.Dataout.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy").Contains(date));

但我收到錯誤The LINQ expression could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync() The LINQ expression could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to either AsEnumerable(), AsAsyncEnumerable(), ToList(), or ToListAsync()


                itemsFiltered = itemsFiltered.Where(i => (
                    i.Dataout.Value.Day.ToString().Length > 1 ?
                    i.Dataout.Value.Day.ToString() :
                    "0" + i.Dataout.Value.Day.ToString()
                    ) + "." + (
                    i.Dataout.Value.Month.ToString().Length > 1 ?
                    i.Dataout.Value.Month.ToString() :
                    "0" + i.Dataout.Value.Month.ToString()
                    ) + "." +

它有效,但看起來很糟糕。 如何簡化這個?


問題是:當用戶輸入 11 時,不知道是日、月(11 月)還是年(2011 年)。 datestring ,可以是"11""11.11""01.01""11.01.201"等。

對於 LINQ 到 EF Core,您可以使用默認字符串轉換轉換DateTimeDate屬性:

itemsFiltered = itemsFiltered.Where(i => i.Dataout.Value.Date.ToString().Contains(date));

如果您需要特定格式以便搜索匹配顯示以方便用戶(例如,他們可能會搜索"11.07" ,然后在標准轉換中使用Substring (我不確定默認值是否與您的語言環境匹配):

itemsFiltered = itemsFiltered.Select(i => new { i, sd = i.Dataout.Value.Date.ToString() }).Where(isd => (isd.sd.Substring(8,2) + "." + isd.sd.Substring(5,2) + "." + isd.sd.Substring(0,4)).Contains(date));


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