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HttpClient PostAsync() 不起作用,而 POSTMAN 工作正常

[英]HttpClient PostAsync() doesn't work while POSTMAN works fine

我正在嘗試在我的 Azure 數據庫帳戶上發布項目。 我寫了一個ASP.Net Core web應用程序並發布到Azure帳戶,它實現了Get、Post、Put和Delete等方法。 在我的 Xamarin Forms 項目中,我正在嘗試調用 HttpClient PostAsync 方法在 Azure 數據庫中創建(發布)一條記錄。 在 POSTMAN 上測試相同的事務可以正常工作,但在我的 Xamarin Forms 移動應用程序中不起作用。 GetStringAsync 方法在 POSTMAN 和我的移動應用程序上都可以正常工作。 我不知道為什么 PostAync 不起作用。 請幫忙!

這是調用 PostAsync 的事件處理程序方法:

async void OnAdd(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // This item is to be posted to the Azure database.
    var tblmoney_item = new TblMoney
        RecordDate = Convert.ToDateTime("7-26-2020"),
        ItemDesc = "coffee",
        AmountOut = 4500,    // The currency unit is in KRW. (KRW 4,500 = US$4).
        SpentTypeId = 3

    // Serialize the item in JSON format.
    var content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tblmoney_item);

    // POST the item to the URL. Works fine on POSTMAN, but does NOT work on my mobile app.
    await _client.PostAsync(Url, new StringContent(content));
    // Refresh the list view.
    _tblmoney_items.Insert(0, tblmoney_item);

這是上面變量(屬性)的 MainPage class 中的聲明:

private const string Url = "https://testwebapi.azurewebsites.net/tblmoney";
private HttpClient _client = new HttpClient();
private ObservableCollection<TblMoney> _tblmoney_items;

該項目的 Class 聲明如下:

public partial class TblMoney
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime? RecordDate { get; set; }
    public string ItemDesc { get; set; }
    public int? AmountOut { get; set; }
    public int? SpentTypeId { get; set; }

    public virtual TblSpentType SpentType { get; set; }

Here's the Controller Class in the REST Web API project, which is an ASP.Net Core Web Application project.


public class TblMoneyController : ControllerBase
    private mynotedbContext _context = new mynotedbContext();

    public IEnumerable<TblMoney> Get()
        // get all tblMoney items.
        return _context.TblMoney.ToList();

    public IActionResult Post([FromBody]TblMoney tblmoney_item)
        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return BadRequest(ModelState);

        return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status201Created);


public partial class mynotedbContext : DbContext
    public mynotedbContext()

    public mynotedbContext(DbContextOptions<mynotedbContext> options)
        : base(options)

    public virtual DbSet<TblMoney> TblMoney { get; set; }


我建議您將Content-Type header 設置為application/json - 您可以通過在客戶端上設置 header 或使用聲明類型的 stringcontent 重載來執行此操作:例如new StringContent(content, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"))


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