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[英]String Get/Update Numeric Value After Specific Character

我有一個帶有字母數字輸入的控制台應用程序。 我想從字符的特定 position 中提取/更新數值。 所有角色都是獨一無二的。 輸入中沒有相同的字符。 例如,在我的程序中,我想從特定的字符 R 中提取/更新數值。 R 是獨一無二的。 它始終為 1,后跟數字。 請幫忙。 這是我的程序。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApp16
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var input = "JPR5AU75";
            //Expected output=5
            Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'R', 7));
            //Expected output=JPR7AU75

            input = "PR2.9AU75";
            Console.WriteLine(GetNumericValue(input, 'R'));
            //Expected output=2.9
            Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'R', 3.5));
            //Expected output=PR3.5AU75

            input = "PKLR555AU75";
            Console.WriteLine(GetNumericValue(input, 'R'));
            //Expected output=555
            Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'R', 765));
            //Expected output=PKLR765AU75
        static string GetNumericValue(string input, char c)
            var value = "Get numeric value from position of charcter c";
            return value;
        static string UpdateNumericValue(string input, char c, double newVal)
            var value = "Replace numeric value from input where character position starts with c";
            return value;

這是您的方法的示例代碼。 在這里運行代碼

在最壞的情況下,時間復雜度將為 O(N),N -> 輸入的長度

    static string GetNumericValue(string input, char c)
        int charIndex = input.IndexOf(c);

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int decimalCount = 0;

        for (int i = charIndex + 1; i < input.Length; i++)
            if (char.IsNumber(input[i]) || input[i] == '.')
                if (input[i] == '.') decimalCount++;
                if (decimalCount > 1) break;

            else break;
        return sb.ToString();

    static string UpdateNumericValue(string input, char c, double newVal)
        var numericValue = GetNumericValue(input, c);
        return input.Replace(c + numericValue, c + newVal.ToString());            


$@"{c}([-+]?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)"將匹配字符c並以組 0 或 1 符號捕獲,后跟 1 個或多個數字, 后跟 0 或 1 個點,后跟 0 或多個數字

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

// returns an empty string if no match
static string GetNumericValue(string input, char c)
    Regex regex = new Regex($@"{Regex.Escape(c.ToString())}([-+]?\d+\.?\d*)");
    var match = regex.Match(input);
    if (match.Success)
        return match.Groups[1].Value;
    return string.Empty;


// returns the unchanged input if no match
static string UpdateNumericValue(string input, char c, double newVal)
    var needle = $"{c}{GetNumericValue(input, c)}"; // get the numeric value prepended with the searched character

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(needle))
        var regex = new Regex(Regex.Escape(needle));
        return regex.Replace(input, $"{c}{newVal.ToString()}", 1); // replace first occurence
    return input;

var input = "JPR5AU75";

//Expected output=5
Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'R', 7));
//Expected output=JPR7AU75

input = "PR2.9AU75";
Console.WriteLine(GetNumericValue(input, 'R'));
//Expected output=2.9
Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'R', 3.5));
//Expected output=PR3.5AU75

input = "PKLR555AU75";
Console.WriteLine(GetNumericValue(input, 'R'));
//Expected output=555
Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'R', 765));
//Expected output=PKLR765AU75

input = "ABCDEF";
Console.WriteLine(GetNumericValue(input, 'C'));
//Expected output=""
Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'C', 42));
//Expected output="ABCDEF"

input = "ABCDEF";
Console.WriteLine(GetNumericValue(input, 'F'));
//Expected output=""
Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'F', 42));
//Expected output="ABCDEF"

input = "666ABC666ABC555";
Console.WriteLine(GetNumericValue(input, 'C'));
//Expected output="666"
Console.WriteLine(UpdateNumericValue(input, 'C', 42));
//Expected output="666ABC42ABC555"



    static string GetNumericValue(string input, char c)
        int indexStartOfValue = input.IndexOf(c) + 1;       
        int valueLength = 0;
        while(Char.IsDigit(input[indexStartOfValue + valueLength]) || input[indexStartOfValue + valueLength] == '.')
            valueLength ++;
        return input.Substring(indexStartOfValue, valueLength);
    static string UpdateNumericValue(string input, char c, double newVal)
        var numericValue = GetNumericValue(input, c);
        return input.Replace(c + numericValue, c + newVal.ToString());


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