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使用 java 將重音字符轉換為英語

[英]Convert accent characters to english using java

我有一個要求,我需要使用可用於IcelandJapan用戶的重音字符進行搜索。 我編寫的代碼適用於一些重音字符,但不是全部。 下面的例子 -

À - returns a. Correct.
 - returns a. Correct.
Ð - returns Ð. This is breaking. It should return e.
Õ - returns Õ. This is breaking. It should return o.

以下是我的代碼: -

String accentConvertStr = StringUtils.stripAccents(myKey);

也試過這個: -

byte[] b = key.getBytes("Cp1252");
System.out.println("" + new String(b, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));


我會說它按預期工作。 StringUtils.stripAccents 的底層代碼其實如下。

String[] chars  = new String[]{"À","Â","Ð","Õ"};

for(String c : chars){
  String normalized = Normalizer.normalize(c,Normalizer.Form.NFD);
  System.out.println(normalized.replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""));

這將 output: AA Ð O


Be aware that that will not remove what you might think of as “accent” marks from all characters. There are many it will not do this for, For example. you cannot convert Đ to D or ø to o that way, For that. you need to reduce code points to those that match the same primary collation strength in the Unicode Collation Table.

如果您仍想使用 StringUtil.stripAccents,則可以單獨處理。


 String normalized = Unidecode.decode(input);


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