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Microsoft Graph Api 在文件夾中上傳大文件

[英]Microsoft Graph Api Upload Large File in a folder

我正在嘗試使用 LagFileUploadTask 將大於 4 mb 的文件上傳到 Sharepoint 列表中的文件夾中。 該代碼似乎在“城市”文件夾中的 PostAsync 之后創建臨時文件。 我看到創建了一個文件,即 ~tmphamilton.png 。 但是當 UploadAsync 被調用時它會失敗,並返回“找不到資源”

當我在創建 uploadSession 時刪除文件夾路徑時,代碼工作正常


   // create an upload session
var uploadSession = await graphClient.Sites("site id").Drive().Root().ItemWithPath("cities\hamilton.png").CreateUploadSession().Request().PostAsync();

var maxSliceSize = 320 * 1024; // 320 KB - Change this to your slice size. 5MB is the default.

var largeFileUploadTask = new LargeFileUploadTask(uploadSession, stream, maxSliceSize);

// upload away with relevant callback
DriveItem itemResult = await largeFileUploadTask.UploadAsync( progress );

確保最大。 您的 WebApplication 中的上傳大小設置大於您的文件。 取決於上傳位置和 SharePoint 版本,它可能小於 50MB。 On Premise,可以在CentralAdmin->Application Management->Web Application xy->General Settings 進行設置


您是否能夠將文件成功上傳到文檔庫的根目錄? 請參閱下面的代碼。

string siteId = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SiteId");
string libraryName = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("LibraryName");
string fileName = filePath.Substring(filePath.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1);

var uploadSession = await graphServiceClient.Sites[siteId].Lists[libraryName].Drive.Root

它對我使用 Graph 3.1.4 和 Java 確實有效,我花了一段時間才讓它工作,但它上傳的文件 >4MB 性能相當好......

// itemPath 類似於“/myFolder/DailyUpload/”

  public CompletableFuture UploadFileToSharePoint(String idSite, String parentId, String itemPath, String fileName, InputStream file) {
    final List<Option> options = new LinkedList<Option>();
    try {
      return  mClient
                .itemWithPath(itemPath+ Build.ID.toUpperCase()+"/"+fileName)
                        .withItem(new DriveItemUploadableProperties())
                .postAsync().thenCompose(uploadSession -> {

            byte[] data = null;
            try {
                    byte[] buff = new byte[file.available()];
                    int bytesRead = 0;
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bao = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    while ((bytesRead = file.read(buff)) != -1) {
                        bao.write(buff, 0, bytesRead);
                    data = bao.toByteArray();
            catch (IOException e) {

            if (data != null && data.length>0) {
                final InputStream uploadFile = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); //"{\"hehe\":\"haha\"}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
                try {
                    final long fileSize = (long) uploadFile.available();
                    LargeFileUploadTask<DriveItem> largeFileUploadTask = new LargeFileUploadTask<DriveItem>(uploadSession,
                            mClient, uploadFile, fileSize, DriveItem.class);
                    // If everything is fine, the procedure returns a DriveItem with the item already
                    return largeFileUploadTask.uploadAsync();
                } catch (IOException e) {

            return null;
    catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        Log.d("GraphHelper", "UploadFileToSharePoint failed: "+ e.getMessage());
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(false);



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