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如何在python中並排繪制堆疊的條形圖? (最好是seaborn)

[英]How do I plot stacked barplots side by side in python? (preferentially seaborn)


這是 DataFrame 的示例。

id  Location    Host    genus_name  #ofGenes    Condition
1   Netherlands Homo sapiens    Escherichia 4.0 True
2   Missing Missing Klebsiella  3.0 True
3   Missing Missing Aeromonas   2.0 True
4   Missing Missing Glaciecola  2.0 True
5   Antarctica  Missing Alteromonas 2.0 True
6   Indian Ocean    Missing Epibacterium    2.0 True
7   Missing Missing Klebsiella  2.0 True
8   China   Homo sapiens    Escherichia 0   False
9   Missing Missing Escherichia 2.0 True
10  China   Plantae kingdom Pantoea 0   False
11  China   Missing Escherichia 2.0 True
12  Pacific Ocean   Missing Halomonas   0   False





df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

agg_df = df.pivot_table(index='Location', columns='Host', values='Condition', aggfunc='count')
agg_df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True)


我想你想要的是一個堆疊的分類條形圖,它不能使用 seaborn 直接繪制。 但是您可以通過自定義一個來實現它。

  1. 導入一些必要的包。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
  1. 讀取數據集。 考慮到你的樣本數據太小,我隨機生成了一些,使情節看起來不錯。
def gen_fake_data(data, size=400):
    unique_values = []
    for c in data.columns:
    new_data = pd.DataFrame({c: np.random.choice(unique_values[i], size=size)
                            for i, c in enumerate(data.columns)})
    new_data = pd.concat([data, new_data])
    new_data['id'] = new_data.index + 1
    return new_data

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
new_data = gen_fake_data(data)
  1. 定義堆積分類條形圖
def stack_catplot(x, y, cat, stack, data, palette=sns.color_palette('Reds')):
    ax = plt.gca()
    # pivot the data based on categories and stacks
    df = data.pivot_table(values=y, index=[cat, x], columns=stack, 
                          dropna=False, aggfunc='sum').fillna(0)
    ncat = data[cat].nunique()
    nx = data[x].nunique()
    nstack = data[stack].nunique()
    range_x = np.arange(nx)
    width = 0.8 / ncat # width of each bar
    for i, c in enumerate(data[cat].unique()):
        # iterate over categories, i.e., Conditions
        # calculate the location of each bar
        loc_x = (0.5 + i - ncat / 2) * width + range_x
        bottom = 0
        for j, s in enumerate(data[stack].unique()):
            # iterate over stacks, i.e., Hosts
            # obtain the height of each stack of a bar
            height = df.loc[c][s].values
            # plot the bar, you can customize the color yourself
            ax.bar(x=loc_x, height=height, bottom=bottom, width=width, 
                   color=palette[j + i * nstack], zorder=10)
            # change the bottom attribute to achieve a stacked barplot
            bottom += height
    # make xlabel
    ax.set_xticklabels(data[x].unique(), rotation=45)
    # make legend
    plt.legend([Patch(facecolor=palette[i]) for i in range(ncat * nstack)], 
               [f"{c}: {s}" for c in data[cat].unique() for s in data[stack].unique()],
               bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0.)
  1. 讓我們陰謀!
plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3), dpi=300)
stack_catplot(x='Location', y='#ofGenes', cat='Condition', stack='Host', data=new_data)


  1. 如果要按百分位數繪制,請在原始數據集中計算。
total_genes = new_data.groupby(['Location', 'Condition'], as_index=False)['#ofGenes'].sum().rename(
    columns={'#ofGenes': 'TotalGenes'})
new_data = new_data.merge(total_genes, how='left')
new_data['%ofGenes'] = new_data['#ofGenes'] / new_data['TotalGenes'] * 100

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3), dpi=300)
stack_catplot(x='Location', y='%ofGenes', cat='Condition', stack='Host', data=new_data)



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