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OneFS API POST 請求上的 400 錯誤請求

[英]400 Bad Request on OneFS API POST request

我正在嘗試通過 OneFS REST API 在我們的 Isilon 群集上創建存儲配額。 我正在使用來自前 EMC 工程師的類庫,並添加了我自己的方法來創建配額,但無法弄清楚為什么會返回 400 錯誤。 目前這是通過一個簡單的控制台應用程序發送的,並且相同的有效負載和 URL 在 Postman 中沒有任何問題。 我真的很想繼續使用和構建這個庫,因為很多工作已經完成。 任何幫助或見解將不勝感激。

我從 Main 調用我的 CreateQuota 方法

 static void Main(string[] args)


        bool qcontainer = false;
        bool qenforced = false;
        bool qincludesnaps = false;
        bool qthresincludeoverhead = false;
        string qtype = "directory";
        string qpath = "/path/to/myquota/diectory";         
        SmartQuotas quotas = new SmartQuotas(service);
        quotas.CreateQuota(qcontainer, qenforced, qincludesnaps, qthresincludeoverhead, qtype, qpath);


我添加的 CreateQuota 方法利用了另一個類的 DataMemberAttribute - 這是仿照現有的方法創建 SMB 共享。

public Quota CreateQuota(bool container, bool enforced, bool include_snapshots, bool thresholds_include_overhead, string type, string path)
        Quota quota = new Quota();
        quota.Container = container;
        quota.Enforced = enforced;
        quota.IncludeSnapshots = include_snapshots;
        quota.ThresholdsIncludeOverhead = thresholds_include_overhead;
        quota.Type = type;
        quota.Path = path;
        Post<Quota>("/platform/1/quota/quotas", quota);
        //quota = GetQuotas()[0];

        return quota;

這是 Post 方法,它使用 DataContractSerializer,我覺得這是我的問題的一部分。 我只是不確定為什么我發送的正文不會被正確解析,並且在反序列化以查看我的請求會是什么樣子時也遇到問題。

 protected void Post<T>(string resource, T body)
            // Create a web request object pointing to the Isilon server and Resource String
            HttpWebRequest request = _Service.CreateRequest(resource);
            request.Method = "POST";

            DataContractJsonSerializer serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(T));
            serializer.WriteObject(request.GetRequestStream(), (T)body);

            // Attempt at reading the stream but throws System.NotSupportedException
            //T t2 = (T)serializer.ReadObject(request.GetRequestStream());
            // Send the request to the Isilon cluster and get there response
            HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();


        catch(WebException e)
            Console.WriteLine("This is the WebException from a POST attempt: " + e.Message);
            if(e.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
                Console.WriteLine("Status Code: {0}", ((HttpWebResponse)e.Response).StatusCode);
                Console.Write("Status Description: {0}", ((HttpWebResponse)e.Response).StatusDescription);


這也是 DataContract 類的精簡版本,它在我鏈接到的 Git 存儲庫中可見。

public class Quota
    // Enables the SMB shares using the quota directory to see the quota threshold as the share size.
    [DataMember(Name = "container", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public bool Container;

    // True if the quota provides enforcement, otherwise an accounting quota
    [DataMember(Name = "enforced", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public bool Enforced;

    // True if the quota governs snapshot data as well as head data.
    [DataMember(Name = "include_snapshots", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public bool IncludeSnapshots;

    // True if the thresholds apply to the data plus file system overhead that is required to store the data
    // (such as physical useage)
    [DataMember(Name = "thresholds_include_overhead", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public bool ThresholdsIncludeOverhead;

            // Type of quota - User, group, directory
    [DataMember(Name = "type", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public string Type;

    // OneFS path
    [DataMember(Name = "path", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
    public string Path;


結果證明答案相當簡單——閾值對象的模式有一個嵌套值,該值沒有正確形成。 我最終使用 RestSharp 自己從頭開始進行這個調用,並仔細查看了 OneFS API 文檔,這兩個文檔最終幫助我了解了這里發生了什么。


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