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如何根據來自 csv 的列中的多個描述符提取行數,然后使用 bash/python 腳本導出輸出新的 csv?

[英]How to extract row counts based on multiple descriptors in a columns from csv and then export output a new csv using bash/python script?

我正在使用包含如下數據的 csv 文件(100 行)。 我想以 csv/tab 格式獲取每個元素的每個基因的計數。


    Gene     Element   
 ---------- ---------- 
  STBZIP1    G-box     
  STBZIP1    G-box     
  STBZIP1    MYC       
  STBZIP1    MYC       
  STBZIP1    MYC       
  STBZIP10   MYC       
  STBZIP10   MYC       
  STBZIP10   MYC       
  STBZIP10   G-box     
  STBZIP10   G-box     
  STBZIP10   G-box     
  STBZIP10   G-box     


    Gene     G-Box   MYC  
 ---------- ------- ----- 
  STBZIP1        2     3  
  STBZIP10       4     3  



我正在嘗試以下操作並暫時卡住:| ;

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("Promoter_Element_Distribution.csv")
print (df)
df.groupby(['Gene', 'Element']).size().unstack(fill_value=0)

使用表單中的文件(此處命名為input.csv ):

    Gene     Element   
 ---------- ---------- 
  STBZIP1    G-box     
  STBZIP1    G-box     
  STBZIP1    MYC       
  STBZIP1    MYC       
  STBZIP1    MYC       
  STBZIP10   MYC       
  STBZIP10   MYC       
  STBZIP10   MYC       
  STBZIP10   G-box     
  STBZIP10   G-box     
  STBZIP10   G-box     
  STBZIP10   G-box


import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('input.csv', delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=1)
df.columns = ['Gene', 'Element']
df['Count'] = 1
df = df.pivot_table(index='Gene', columns='Element', aggfunc=sum)


Element  G-box MYC
STBZIP1      2   3
STBZIP10     4   3

由於您還要求提供 bash 版本,因此這里使用awk 1 它被注釋了,而且輸出的格式也“很好”,所以代碼有點大(大約 20 行沒有注釋)。

awk '# First record line:
     # Storing all column names into elements, including
     # the first column name
     NR == 1 {firstcol=$1;element[$1]++}

     # Each line starting with the second one are datas
     # Occurrences are counted with an indexed array
     # count[x][y] contains the count of Element y for the Gene x
     NR > 2 {element[$2]++;count[$1][$2]++} 

     # Done, time for displaying the results
     END {
       # Let us display the first line, column names
       ## Left-justify the first col, because it is text
       printf "%-10s ", firstcol
       ## Other are counts, so we right-justify
       for (i in element) if (i != firstcol) printf "%10s ", i
       printf "\n"
       # Now an horizontal bar
       for (i in element) {
           c = 0
       while (c++ < 10) { printf "-"}
       printf " ";
       printf "\n"

       # Now, loop through the count records
       for (i in count) {
         # Left justification for the column name
         printf "%-10s ", i ;
         for(j in element)
           # For each counted element (ie except the first one),
           # print it right-justified
           if (j in count[i]) printf "%10s", count[i][j]
         printf "\n"
     }' tab-separated-input.txt


Gene            G-box        MYC 
---------- ---------- ---------- 
STBZIP10            4         3
STBZIP1             2         3

1此解決方案需要GNU awk來處理數組數組( count[$1][$2]語法) - 感謝Ed Morton


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