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[英]Why doesn't my code produce the Subtotal, VAT and Total values?

我一直按照指南一步一步地創建一個 Tkinter 管理系統,但是,當我添加甜蜜數量並單擊總計按鈕創建小計、增值稅和總浮動 output 時,我的代碼仍然沒有 output 值我是編碼新手,無法在線或教程中找到解決方案。 謝謝,莫。

    from tkinter import*
    import random
    import time 
    def Ref():
        x = random.randint(1234, 434354)
        randomRef = str(x)
        CoG = float(galaxy.get())
        CoK = float(kinder.get())
        CoB = float(bounty.get())
        CoT = float(twix.get())
        Cost_Galaxy = CoG * 1.99
        Cost_Kinder = CoK * 1.49
        Cost_Bounty = CoB * 1.29
        Cost_Twix = CoT * 0.99
        cost_subtotal = "£", str('%.2f' % (Cost_Bounty + Cost_Galaxy + Cost_Kinder + Cost_Twix))
        cost_tax = "£", str((Cost_Bounty + Cost_Galaxy + Cost_Kinder + Cost_Twix) * 0.2)
        cost_total = "£", (Cost_Bounty + Cost_Galaxy + Cost_Kinder + Cost_Twix + cost_tax)
    def Quit():
    def Reset():
    root = Tk()
    root.title("Sea Front Sweet & Candy Shop System")
    Tops = Frame(root, width = 1600, height = 50, bg = "light blue", relief=SUNKEN)
    Frame_1 = Frame(root, width = 800, height = 700, relief=SUNKEN)
    localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time()))
    lblInfo = Label(Tops, font = ('arial', 50, 'bold'), text = 'Sea Front Sweet & Candy Shop System', fg = 'navy', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblInfo.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
    lblInfo = Label(Tops, font = ('arial', 20, 'bold'), text = localtime, fg = 'navy', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblInfo.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
    rand = StringVar()
    galaxy = StringVar()
    kinder = StringVar()
    bounty = StringVar()
    twix = StringVar()
    total = StringVar()
    subtotal = StringVar()
    vat = StringVar()
    lblReference = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Reference', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblReference.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
    txtReference = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = rand, bd = 10, bg = 'light blue', justify = 'right')
    txtReference.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
    lblGalaxy = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Galaxy', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblGalaxy.grid(row = 1, column = 0)
    txtGalaxy = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = galaxy, bd = 10, bg = 'light blue', justify = 'right')
    txtGalaxy.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
    lblKinder = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Kinder', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblKinder.grid(row = 2, column = 0)
    txtKinder = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = kinder, bd = 10, bg = 'light blue', justify = 'right')
    txtKinder.grid(row = 2, column = 1)
    lblBounty = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Bounty', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblBounty.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
    txtBounty = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = bounty, bd = 10, bg = 'light blue', justify = 'right')
    txtBounty.grid(row = 4, column = 1)
    lblTwix = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Twix', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblTwix.grid(row = 5, column = 0)
    txtTwix = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = twix, bd = 10, bg = 'light blue', justify = 'right')
    txtTwix.grid(row = 5, column = 1)
    lblSubtotal = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Subtotal', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblSubtotal.grid(row = 1, column = 2)
    txtSubtotal = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = subtotal, bd = 10, bg = '#ffffff', justify = 'right')
    txtSubtotal.grid(row = 1, column = 3)
    lblVat = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'VAT', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblVat.grid(row = 2, column = 2)
    txtVat = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = vat, bd = 10, bg = '#ffffff', justify = 'right')
    txtVat.grid(row = 2, column = 3)
    lblTotal = Label(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Total', bd = 10, anchor = 'w')
    lblTotal.grid(row = 4, column = 2)
    txtTotal = Entry(Frame_1, font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), textvariable = total, bd = 10, bg = '#ffffff', justify = 'right')
    txtTotal.grid(row = 4, column = 3)
    btnTotal = Button(Frame_1, padx = 16, pady = 8, bd = 10, fg = 'black', font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Total', 
    bg = 'light blue', command = Ref).grid(row = 7, column = 1)
    btnReset = Button(Frame_1, padx = 16, pady = 8, bd = 10, fg = 'black', font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Reset', 
    bg = 'light blue', command = Reset).grid(row = 7, column = 2)
    btnQuit = Button(Frame_1, padx = 16, pady = 8, bd = 10, fg = 'black', font = ('arial', 16, 'bold'), text = 'Quit', 
    bg = 'light blue', command = Quit).grid(row = 7, column = 3)

問題是在cost_total中,您使用cost_tax來計算總值,但cost_tax是一個字符串而不是浮點數。 如果您通過以下方式更改此行,您的程序將起作用:

cost_total = "£", str((Cost_Bounty + Cost_Galaxy + Cost_Kinder + Cost_Twix)*1.2)

這與將小計與小計的 20% 的稅相加是一樣的


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